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The Age of Contempt

The times of hatred, violence, and war are here, the blood of the Elder Races is spilled in the streets of cities, while the blood of the downtrodden is used to water battlefields. Hope has died bigotry and racism dominate large sections of societies, but for how much longer can war and murder grind onwards.

  • 3


    The Wild Cleansing
    Disaster / Destruction

    Wild Cleansing was the initial form that the Grand Cleansing took, it was disorganised, chaotic, and bloody. People sought to take vengeance upon those they blamed for the Age of Blood , which at first were mages, but then turned towards the elder races, they were hunted down, tortured, and burnt at the stake.

    More reading
    Grand Cleansings
  • 4

    The Kingdom of Valantia is founded

    The Kingdom of Valantia is founded by the Philip Caveele

    More reading
    Republic of Valantia
  • 10

    Mage refugees begin to form the basis of a settlement what would become the Free State Aarelan
    Gathering / Conference

    From late in the Age of Blood magic and magic users became increasingly stigmatised and persecuted for their real or perceived wrongdoings and the innate danger and power their use of magic possessed. These refugees banned together for safety and began to coalesce in the bassen of the Savalir Ridge.

  • 13


    Second Sundering of the High Elves
    Military action

    The Second Sundering of the Elves is the name given to a civil war within the Kingdom of Selu-Qidar between 13-42:Contempt.   The Second Sundering of the Elves grew out of political disagreements with the Kingdom of Selu’Qidar. The conflict remained ideological and political until 13:Contempt, when the Restorationist began to gain significant influence amongst the elite and populace of Selu’Qidar. The Isolationist decided to violently purge the Restorationist, however, the purge was only partially successful. The failed purge created martyrs and militarised the issue. Civil war broke out, which devastated Selu Qidar for almost 30 years. The Second Sundering of the Elves came to an end when the Restorationists entered a state of exile. The Restorationists travelled to Undras where they founded the Kingdom of Legvaren . The Isolationists secured their position and are still the dominant ideology within the Kingdom of Selu’Qidar .

  • 20

    Oxenfurt falls and becomes Oxengrad
    Military action

    The Kasari Free City of Oxenfurt falls in a siege to the Kingdom of Maskeva lead by Peter the Bold, and is both incorporated into the Velgan Empire and renamed the Imperial City of Oxengrad.

  • 21

    The Velgan Empire is founded

    The Kingdom of Maskeva completed its conquest of the continent of Taunas, and subisently Peter the Bold is crowned Tsar of the Velgan Empire.

  • 23


    The Controlled Cleansing
    Disaster / Destruction

    Witch hunters and demagogues were gaining great power from capitalising on the Wild Cleaning, great economic harm was being done to the kingdoms paralysed by bloodshed. The Human Kingdoms and Brightswords took control of the Cleansings, legalising much of the discrimination and persecution of mages and elder races.

    More reading
    Grand Cleansings
  • 43

    The Kingdom of Legarvren is founded

    The Exiles of the Second Sundering, rejected the name high elf and took on the name of blade elves. The Exiles traveled far from the Kingdom of Selu’Qidar, to found a kingdom based upon their own ideals, the Kingdom of Legarvren.

  • 63

    Foundation of the Draconic Ascendancy

    The Age of Blood wreaked devastation upon the lands and people of the Holy Draconic Empire. Within the city Ixensular in 63:Contempt the Draconic Ascendancy was proclaimed as a new kingdom. Initially Draconic Ascendancy was effectively a city state and its territories consisted of the immediate territory that surrounded Ixensular .

  • 69

    Formation of the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy
    Cultural event

    In an effort of both humanitarianism and pragmatism, the Draconic Ascendancy offered a place for tieflings as part of a joint kingdom named the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy. Tieflings were offered a full and equal place in the Ascendancy, a stark contrast to the discrimination and violence they faced elsewhere as they were viewed as a reminder of the horrors of the Age of Blood . The Ascendancy gained vital population and workers that were used to rebuild.

  • 70


    Colonisation of the Outlaw Isles
    Construction beginning/end

    The Kingdom of Valantia (now the Republic of Valantia ) was the first to see the value in the colonisation of the Outlaw Isles, in order to control the eastern mouth of the Seiube River. Between 70:Contempt and 78:Contempt Valantia built outposts and regularly shipped in supplies for them; in 78:Contempt, after a series of heavy storms, it was discovered that all the colonists and marines had all disappeared without explanation. The outposts were battered, windows and doors shattered and water everywhere. Valantia once again attempted to claim the Outlaw Isles between 81:Contempt and 82:Contempt, Valantia created a small military outpost stocked with marines; by the end of 82:Contempt, after heavy storms, it was discovered abandoned and in the same state as the previous lost colony. Valantia abandoned its efforts to take control of the Outlaw Isles after its second failed effort. Between 85:Contempt and 115:Contempt Corth , the Copperlands (now known as the Crown lands), and the Kingdom of Legvaren attempted small-scale colonisation efforts of the Outlaw Isles. Almost all met with failure, and in the same mysterious disappearances. By 115:Contempt the powers that surrounded the Isles abandoned their efforts at colonisation due to the difficulties the Isles posed.

  • 77

    City-State of Aarelan is founded

    The number of refugees fleeing persecution increased into the multiple thousands, necessitating the creation of permanent structures, and the infrastructure of a city; to this effect the first leader of Aarelan Prime Magistra Weldan Eboncrest founds the City-State of Aarelan. Prior to this event the settlement had been viewed a temporary, as a refuge to wait out the storm of anti-magic sentiment and persecution, but it was then clear that the violence against mages was not going to be a transitory event.

  • 96

    The Siege of Aarelan
    Military action

    The Humanist Bloc was created to launch military action against the City-State of Aarelan, the forces of the Humanist Bloc consisted of men from Fothral, Tocvastil, Parthal, and the Order of the Righteous Flame, the military army of the Church of the Radiant Lady. the forces of Aarelan were bested in the field, forcing the them to retreat to their walls. The Humanist Bloc was on the verge of breaking the wall of Aarelan and sacking the city, it was only with the sacrifice of Prime Magistra Weldan Eboncrest and the other Magistras, who performed a ritual which tore Aarlan from the earth itself, creating the floating city of Aarelan that Aarelan and it citizens were saved from total slaughter.

  • 126


    The Wars of Kasari Unification
    Military action

    The Wars of Unification were the result of a partnership between Prusari and Östersar to create a truly Kasari Kingdom. The desire to creature such a state had been within many of the townsfolk of the Kasari kingdoms but had only become an imperative after the Kasari kingdom of Oxenfurt fell to the Velgan Empire. The Prusari King Wilhelm, at the urging of his Reich Minister Otto von Schonmarck, began negotiations with his counterpart the King of Östersar to create a new Kingdom which would be able to put up a fight against the Velgan Empire. The two Kings came to an agreement, the Kasari Dominion would be created which would be a confederation and an elective monarchy, and the Wars of Unification bought all of the continent into the fold.

  • 132

    The Kasari Dominion founded
    Political event

    Following the Wars of Kasari Unification the Östersari Matthias Aarburg the First was elected Kaiser of the newly declared Kasari Dominion.

  • 149


    Succession War
    Military: War

    Tensions amongst the more than two dozen successor states that formed after the fall of the Holy Draconic Empire reached a boiling point in 149:Contempt. The war encompassed all the petty kingdoms and city-states, it resulted in a victory for the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy; the Ascendancy absorbed the territories of the other kingdoms and became a great kingdom in its own right. The victory of the Ascendancy was in no small part due to its greater economic potential and larger population.

  • 150


    Emergence of the Outlaw Isles
    Criminal Activity

    Where the efforts of Kingdoms were met with failure the efforts of individuals and organisations succeeded. Throughout the 150s:Contempt and 160s:Contempt pirates and outlaws established themselves on the Outlaw Isles. The pirates and outlaws of the Isles were marred with disorder and conflict with one another. This activity is what led to the now common name of the Outlaw Isles.

  • 166


    Second Rising of the Draconians
    Military: War

    In 166:Contempt, throughout the Wild Isles, Draconian warbands plagued settlements on every one of the Isles. By 171:Contempt the warbands of draconians swelled to veritable armies that rampaged and brought devastation with them. By 158:Contempt a hero rose, from Sgiath, Ragneth an Narah she sought to avenge Clan an Narah, who had been slain by draconians. Ragneth united the peoples of Sgiath to turn the draconians back to the mountains, deep forests, and bogs of the Isle. Ragneth was not content to allow the other Isles to fall to the draconians, she and her followers scattered the draconians upon each of the major Isles by 203:Contempt.

  • 174


    First Pirate King of the Outlaw Isles
    Political event

    The infighting of the Outlaw Isles changed when Avery Cole united a great deal of the outlaws of the Isles and became a Pirate King in 174: Contempt. Pirate King Avery created a petty kingdom of his own, he discovered the Seadrift Throne and erected the town of the same name. The Half Elf Pirate King Avery’s leadership was defined by prosperity, more settlements, outposts, and safe havens were constructed, whilst the ships of the Isles pillaged shipping lanes and raided coasts of Corth , the Kingdom of Legvaren , Copperlands, and Wild Isles . This ended in 237:Contempt when Avery disappeared and was assumed murdered, after the death of the Avery the kingdom he held together collapsed into in fighting

  • 180


    Righteous Crusade
    Military: War

    In 180:Contempt the Righteous Dawn, a faction of crusaders launched an attack of the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy. The Righteous Dawn sought to rid Runetalras of the corruption and influence of the Hells and Abyss . To achieve their goal the Righteous Dawn sought to destroy the Ascendancy and obliterate the tieflings that made their home there. Righteous Dawn issued an ultimatum to the peoples of the Ascendancy, give up the tieflings and live in peace, or burn and share the flames of the lower planes with them. Almost all rejected the ultimatum, and for the best part of two decades blood was shed in the streets once more until the Righteous Dawn was thrown from the shoars of the Ascendancy.

  • 203


    The Kingdom of the Isles

    With the Second Rising of the Draconian put down the Clans of the Isles were not content to allow Ragneth an Narah to return to obscurity. Instead the Clans of the Wild Isles chose for the first time to elect a monarch Ragneth an Narah. Ragneth was reluctant to accept a crown but was eventually persuaded to take it up and became the first Queen of the Kingdom of the Isles at the age of 30. She ruled until the age of 107, after a battle with a unknown illness, she left no children behind nor was there any obvious contender to take Ragneth’s crown and place as elected monarch of the Isles.

  • 207


    Ardenal-Ascendancy War
    Military: War

    A series of disputes over fishing in the Dragon Strait between the Kingdom of the Ardenals and Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy escalated into a full scale war in 207:Contempt. The Ascendancy soundly achieved a victory at sea by 211:Contempt, however, on land the Ardenals repelled the invaders. In 218:Contempt a peace was secured with no territorial exchanges nor was a solution for fishing secured.

  • 226


    The Unification of Thaxnoria
    Political event

    House Gathral crossed the Seiube River, and entered both military and diplomatic actions in the Unification of Thaxnoria. By its end the Ardenals, Copperlands, Corth, Gilded Kingdom, and Uvani Hilllands are united under Rhamear Gathral first of her name and High Queen of Thaxnoria.

  • 233

    Thaxnoria is Founded

    The Kingdom of Thaxnoria is founded by Rhamear Gathral first of her name and High Queen of Thaxnoria.

  • 253


    First Armada
    Disaster / Destruction

    In 253:Contempt the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy began the construction of a great armada in an effort to reclaim territory lost by the Holy Draconic Empire. In 272:Contempt the armada mere hours after the armada passed beneath The Behemoth , and before it broke up to sail to their various targets, a great storm destroyed the armada at sea. Of the over 130 ships at sea only 13 limped back to the Ascendancy, this scuppered the Ascendancy’s effort to restore the overseas territories of the Holy Draconic Empire.

  • 277


    Brethren of Nine
    Military action

    Another force rose to dominate the Outlaw Isles in 277:Contempt, the Brethren of Nine. The Nine were a group of powerful pirate captains who banded together to take control of all others in the Isles.   Nine established their dominance over the Outlaw Isles and the pirates that operated within and around them. Under the Nine’s leadership piracy became more organised and effective, as they pillaged trade routes, the Kingdom of Thaxnoria , Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy , the Wild Isles . Both Thaxnoria and the Ascendancy launched expeditions to put an end to the plague of pirates, but met with abject failure. In 299:Contempt the Purple Sails of Valantia sailed their Purple Armada to the Isles. From 299:Contempt to 311:Contempt the Purple Armada scoured the Isles and burnt down any remnants of the Nine and the pirates that so long dominated the Isles, this included throwing the Seadrift Throne into the sea; after significant loses, in terms of ships and marines, the Purple Armada brought an end to involvement in the Isles after they believed their perpetual victory secured.

  • 278


    Time of Dragons
    Plague / Epidemic

    Throughout the Wild Isles attacks from Dracoplagues and lesser forms of dragons, including forktales, dracolizard, and wyverns, became incredibly common. The dragons wreaked havoc upon the peoples of the Isles, before they mysteriously returned to normal levels.

  • 282


    Civil War and the Break Up of the Kingdom of the Isles
    Military: War

    With no obvious candidate, or even small group of candidates, who could unite the Kingdom of the Isles conflict erupted as dozens upon dozens of unworthy would-be monarchs brought war upon the Isles to put a crown atop their head and a throne beneath their arse. After nearly thirty years of conflict any bonds of unity were destroyed and the Kingdom of the Isles were at an end.

  • 299

    The Craglands become a part of Thaxnoria
    Diplomatic action

    The Craglands are incorporated into the Kingdom of Thaxnoria, through the marriage of the second-born Princess of Craglands Danna married the third born Prince of Thaxnoria Charles. The Cragglands remains a semi-autonomous kingdom, and retain the title of Princes.

  • 302


    Ascendancy-Kasari War
    Military: War

    After a series of trade disputes and exchanged blockades a war broke out between the Kasari Dominion and Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy. The Ascendancy attempted an invasion of the Elector-Kingdom of Thurinarz and Aine Aevon within the Kasari Dominion . Between 306-310:Contempt the Ascendancy made gains, however, from 310:Contempt the Kasari Dominion soundly repulsed the Ascendancy from their shoars.

  • 329


    Rampage of the Dinosaurs
    Plague / Epidemic

    Within the Wild Isles on Anvea a strange illness affected the dinosaurs that make their home upon the Isle. The illness caused large caustic pustules on the affected and made them incredibly aggressive. The rampages made perhaps the most inhospitable of the Isles, even more dangerous. The Rampage was only brought to an end by the arrival of the black Dragon known as the Skulking Dread who burnt away the affected with acid breath and an end to the epidemic. The Skulking Dread then made the Isle its home.

  • 330


    Colonisation of the Outlaw Isles

    Throughout the 330s-360s:Contempt sparse settlements and outposts were established by the Kingdom of Thaxnoria and Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy.

  • 345


    The Hour of the Witch
    Gathering / Conference

    Within the Wild Isles upon Tor Bresell , a large coven of Wild Witches became extensively active. They dominated the Tor Bresell and forced many upon it to pay tribute to them. Their works of magic greatly damaged the environment and wayward arcane forces likewise killed the peoples of Tor Bresell . In 364:Contempt, the wild witches conducted an extensive ritual, which required all the wild witches be present, to take control of nature and magic within the Isles. Circles of druids banded together to disrupt the ritual, they failed. However, the ritual was disrupted in a massive arcane explosion which killed or scattered the wild witches; druids who survived claimed it was the Ladies of the Isles who intervened to end the ritual.

  • 347


    War for the Waves
    Military: War

    The War of the Waves was a lengthy conflict between the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy and the Kingdom of Valantia. A series of conflicts and boardings between the ships of the Ascendancy and Valantia escalated to war in 347:Contempt, the War for the Waves was almost exclusively fought at sea. The decades long war first favoured Valantia, however, by 389:Contempt the Ascendancy was dominant and secured victory, in the peace that was secured Valantia was humiliated and forced to pay significant sums of coin and provide the Ascendancy with a large number of vessels. The War of the Waves did much to destabilise the Kingdom of Valantia which suffered a successful revolution in 440:Contempt.

  • 360


    The Short Second Jöur’ant
    Political event

    It started slowly, upon Sgiath in the Wild Isles, in 360:Contempt giants began to band together and carve out settlements made of each kind of Giant . By 396:Contempt the giants had declared their petty Kingdom the great Giant empire reborn, the Second Jöur’ant. In 407:Contempt the Second Jöur’ant began its efforts to conquer all of Sgiath, whilst the Jöur’ant was initially successful the willingness of the peoples of Sgiath to cede land, melt away into the environment, and then attack when the giants were at their weakest took its toll; as they broke down from constant attacks the Jöur’ant turned on itself as Giant killed Giant .

  • 371


    The Revolt of 371:Contempt

    In 371:Contempt the Commandant of the Thaxnorian military outpost in the Outlaw Isles, Human Commandant Benjamin Hurt, revolted and turned the outpost to a life of banditry. This act destabilised the region and marked the return to the banditry and piracy of the Isles.

  • 389


    The Time of Treachery
    Criminal Activity

    In the power vacuum that emerged after the death of the Second Pirate King of the Outlaw Isles all the factions of the Isles erupted into conflict with one another as countless captains sought the title of Pirate King for themselves; further alliances and faction broke down as crewmates and captains betrayed one another to sit the Seadrift Throne. In this period a further seventeen Pirate Kings were declared, but none lasted long.

  • 389


    Second Pirate King of the Outlaw Isles
    Military action

    Benjamin Hurt discovered the Seadrift Throne washed ashore in 389:Contempt and used the omen to declare himself Pirate King. Whilst Pirate King Hurt never gained control over the majority of the outlaws within the Outlaw Isles his ships plague shipping lanes and the lands surrounding the Isles. Pirate King Hurt paid particular attention to raids upon the Kingdom of Legvaren . This focus did not go unnoticed, in 397:Contempt Legvaren assembled a fleet and went to war with the Pirate King. Legvaren’s fleet tore through the Pirate King’s and headed straight to the Seadrift Throne where, with a particularly fierce battle, Legvaren’s forced beheaded the Pirate King and all those who maintained loyalty to him, before they left their heads on spikes and quit the Isles.

  • 409


    The War of Thaxnorian Expansion
    Military action

    The War of Thaxnorian Expansion, known as the War of Rebellion within Thaxnoria, began when Thaxnoria’s army poured through the Kilgarth Mountains and begin to occupy territories within the Free States. The Free State League was created and was able to drive Thaxnoria back behind the the Kilgarth Mountains, the War ended when Thaxnoria collapse into rebellion against its royal family House Gathral, and the Free League fell into deep conflict.

  • 426


    The Prismatic Rebellion

    In 426:Contempt rebellions broke out throughout the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy, which focused on the mistreatment of the Prismatic Dragonborn minority within the kingdom. The rebellions spread and sporadically lasted until 429:Contempt, each was put down with force and brutality.

  • 430


    The Wolf’s Prowl at Sea
    Military: War

    To bring order to the sea off the coast the Kingdom of Thaxnoria launched a military campaign to bring the High King’s law to the Outlaw Isles. The campaign was led by the First Lord of Corth Jon Forbrook the Sea Wolf. Jon Forbrook led his campaign from the front of his ship and the vanguard of his forces, to Initially, great success as half the Isles were brought under Thaxnorian rule within the year. Jon Forbrook led his forces to take control of the rest of the Isles by end of 392:Contempt and throw the Seadrift Throne back into the sea; the worst of the The Wolf’s Prowl at Sea was yet to come, as pirates were quick retreat and surrender territory but so easily extinguished, as centuries of hiding and fighting in the Isles left countless hidden safe havens for outlaws. Almost immediately after he declared the territory conquered, rebellions, brigandry, and privacy began to plague First Lord Forbrook as his campaign was bogged down in long and costly conflict which seemed as at the time it would never end. Over thirty years of conflict wore on, supply lines were stretched to the point of breaking, Forbrook’s men were weary, and the goal of the campaign seemed as far away as possible; then in 462:Contempt the Second Thaxnorian Civil War broke out. Forbrook was filled with rage and despair, he shut himself away for two days as he decided what action to take, continue his campaign or return to Thaxnoria to participate in the War. When Forbrook’s commanders and servants finally worked up the courage to enter his private chamber they found him murdered; none know if it was assassins from the Isles or a mutinous man from Forbrook’s own forces. Instead of investigating the death of Forbrook, some of his forces quit the Isles whilst the other mutinied and became outlaws themselves.

  • 431


    The Great Sea Devil Raid
    Military action

    Throughout the 430s-450s:Contempt the Wild Isle Oilean’s coasts were plagued by persistent raids from the sahuagin, who would loot, pillage, and then melt away into the depths of the Sea of Storms. In the 460s:Contempt the raids greatly increased in frequency as the sahuagin changed their targets, they began to capture slaves and arms at an astounding rate; however, as a result of this the sahuagin were forced to remain on surface to maintain slave labour and storehouses. Between 470-470:Contempt the peoples of Oilean were able to inflict significant losses upon the sahuagin, they freed slaves, looted storehouses, and by 474: Contempt largely drove them back to the sea.

  • 432


    The Free League Wars
    Military action

    The success of the Free League in the War of Thaxnorian Expansion was a double edged sword, the Free States had demonstrated they were a Great Power, and defeated Thaxnoria, but it strained tensions among the Free States and awoke desires of agransisment among some Free States. This lead to the Free States being plagued by war and conflict among factions and individual Free States. With the final of these wars ending in 441:Contempt.

  • 440

    The Republic of Valantia is Founded
    Political event

    The mercantile and middle class rebel against the King of Volantia for damaging their trade and wealth, with, mostly, ill-conceived wars. As a result the Republic of Valantia was founded and lead by it First Doge Lucious Palfesto Valantia separated itself from the politics and conflicts of the Free States.

  • 440


    Second Armada
    Military: War

    In response to the formation of the Republic of Valantia , and its repudiation of the payments to the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy as a result of the treaty which ended the War of the Waves, the Ascendancy began the formation of the Second Armanda. The Second Armanda itself was made up of a significant number of Valantine ships sent to Ascendancy as a result of the peace of 403:Contempt, as well as another 80 Ascendancy ships, which made the Second Armada larger than the First at about 140 ships. The Armada set sail in 445:Contempt, and its voyage seemed cursed from the outset. Early on the Armada was caught in storms which pushed it further east than anticipated into the Sea of Storms, there the Armada was scattered and a dozen ships lost. After the Armada reassembled it was forced to sail through the Outlaw Isles and were caught up in the The Wolf’s Prowl at Sea a conflict between the Kingdom of Thaxnoria and the pirates of the Outlaw Isles . Amidst the war ships within the Armada were captured, damaged, or ship wrecked, by the time the Armada sailed into the Seuibe River they numbered less than 100. After they passed through the mouth of the Seuibe River , many sailors in the Armada suffered strange illnesses and mania; the most afflicted underwent physical changes: a mucus layer formed on their skin, webbed toes and hands, and some unconfirmed reports existed of crewmates that formed gills. After the illnesses took hold mutinies began, by the time they were brought under control only less than half the Armada, as mutineers fled with ships; however, illness no longer troubled the Armada. The Armada then arrived of the coast of Valantia, instead of a unprepared, weak, and disordered state they found a well organised Republic with a large fleet to meet them; the Battle of Baia Smaraldo led to a humiliating defeat for the Ascendancy with what remained of the Armada forced to flee, few than twenty ships from the Armada returned to the Ascendancy in 447:Contempt.

  • 460


    Invasion of the Adrenals
    Military: War

    In 460:Contempt The Ardenals and Kingdom of Thaxnoria were in a state of disorder, whilst the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy were keen to restore prestige and wealth lost with the Second Armada. The Ascendancy launched an invasion of the Ardenals in 460:Contempt, the rest of Thaxnoria did not respond to the Ardenals calls for aid and in 462:Contempt the rest of Thaxnoria erupted into civil war. The Ascendancy conquered a significant amount of territory and even constructed a number of fortifications; however, once the Second Thaxnorian Civil War ended the unified Kingdom repelled the Ascendancy from the Ardenals in 466:Contempt.

  • 462


    Second Thaxnorian Civil War
    Military action

    House Gathral is restored to the throne of the Kingdom of Thaxnoria through a rebellion. The rebellion occurred as the King, Thendol Redflame, was a maleficarum and sadists, who abused the power and people of Thaxnoria until all the noble house rose in rebellion and restore House Gathral who had been in exile to the throne.

  • 476


    Rise of Nature
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Starting in 476:Contempt the whole Isle of Tor Cyfod began to be blighted by animated plant creatures who killed with abandon and turned whole settlements to ruins. The People of Tor Cyfod were forced to keep bonfires and torches constantly aflame in an effort to keep the forces of nature at bay. In 469:Contempt an adventurers group, Mercy’s Wing, set out to discover why these attacks were happening and put an end to them. In 507:Contempt Mercy’s Wing were successful, however, only one of six ever returned Angharad of Y Wlethfa. Angharad spoke of a terrible price that was paid to old and dark forces to ensure that nature would rest.

  • 494


    Golden Age of Raiding
    Criminal Activity

    After a time of stabilisation that followed The Wolf’s Prowl at Sea the notorious raids and piracy from the Outlaw Isles once again plagued the surrounding regions.

  • 500


    Bloody Purges
    Political event

    The High Wyrm decided that throughout the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy there were those within society, the bureaucracy, academia, and army that were fermenting radical ideas and who were committed to rebellion and revolution. After careful planning in 500:Contempt, special forces began an over decade long operation to root out disadents, more than a thousand were killed, and ten-thousand placed in forced labour camps. The Bloody Purges were brought to an end by the Primarch with the death of the High Wyrm.

  • 509


    Red Fever
    Plague / Epidemic

    In Spring of 509:Contempt a new illness spread like wildfire throughout the Wild Isles. The illness was known as the Red Fever, it was characterised by a fever which caused a deep red flush throughout the face and caused a delirium. Of those affected four of five perished. The peoples of the Wild Isles reacted in a variety of ways, some fled the Isles, others became recluses to avoid contact, whilst others attempted to burn away the illness and the people affected. By the Fall of 509:Contempt the illness all but disappeared, however the Red Fever reappeared each Spring before disappearing each Fall until 513:Contempt.

  • 522


    Valantine Punitive Armada
    Military: War

    In 522:Contempt the Republic of Valantia launched an Armada which arrived at the Outlaw Isles and spent several months there to sink pirate and privateer ships alike. After treating with countless representatives an agreement was reached; Valantine ships were to be unmolested by the pirates, privateers, and outlaws of the Isles, and any captain who breached the agreement would become a target of all the captain of the Isles and if justice was not delivered Valantia would send another punitive armada.

  • 527

    Pillaging of the Wild Isles
    Military action

    The Pirates of the Outlaw Isles turned to pillaging the countless settlements throughout the Wild Isles; they raped, reaved, looted, and slaved across the shoars of the Wild Isles.

  • 528


    The Dissenting Rebellion

    Disaffected groups within the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy, made up mostly of prismatic, scarred, and gem Dragonborn , kobolds, and Lizardfolk , launched a rebellion to put to the abusive nature of racial discrimination of the Ascendancy. The Dissenting Rebellion received support from some members of civil society but it was violently suppressed. Those who survived fled into Wild Isles and opposed the Ascendancy as the rebel group the Dissenters.

  • 531


    The Massacre of Blackborough

    The exact events of the Massacre of Blackborough within the Guildlands of Thaxnoria are debated. What is not debated is the result, the nonhumans rebelled and their rebellion was put down bloodily, a mage was put on trial only for him to be evacuated by the Magintern with a number of other supposed mages. Blackborough is now used as a rallying cry for the Elder Races to rebel against the racism and discrimination of Thaxnoria.

    Additional timelines
  • 532

    22 /5

    The Bavaldi Bank Heist
    Financial Event

    The largest bank within the Ashmound, the Second largest city within the Guildlands has the majority of vault stolen. Weeks went by without this being discovered by the population of Thaxnoria, as the bank and authorities hoped they could recover their gold, when they were unable to discover the public began to find out. This lead to a run on the banks throughout Thaxnoria, and a collapse of Bavaldi in Thaxnoria, further it has led to an economic and financial crisis within Thaxnoria, that the Crown has yet to be able to arrest.

    Additional timelines
  • 532



    Radiant Crusade (Also known as the Wars of Betrayal)
    Military: War

    The Free States Runia and Toc’Vastil, in union with the local Smouldering Swords, breached treaties and began expansionist wars against Agathel Dispaxin, Duran, and Kensura. Dispaxin and Duran were conquered by the Crusade, while Agathel and Kensura rebuffed the attacks and the conflict stalled out.

  • 532

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    The Days of the False King
    Political event

    King Thaydos of Velfauna is declared murder and his son Michael is declared King, before King Thaydos reappears with the Heroes of Velfauna, and kill Ragdek the Lord Protector who ploted to usurp power and kill King Thaydos.

  • 532


    Second War of Thaxnorian Expansion Begins
    Military: War

    The Kingdom of Thaxnoria launched its invasion of the lower Free States, Enarsel, Feloc, Pathral, Hathban, Tel'Bacy, and Velfauna.

  • 532

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    The Second War of Thaxnorian Expansion
    Military: War

    The Second War of Thaxnorian Expansion, or the Wars of Liberation as they are known in Thaxnoria, was a short but bloody war fought between November 532:Contempt and February 533:Contempt. The War was fought between Thaxnoria and the Alliance made up of the Free State Alliance known as the Kilgarth Barrier, Elnurian Alliance, and Legvaran with Selu'Qidar entering the war on the side of the Alliance after its beginning.   The Second War of Thaxnorian Expansion came to an unexpected and dramatic end, when the Avatar of Orcus attacked and obliterated Kelmar, the capital of the Craglands. In this cataclysmic crisis a peace was quickly negotiated.

  • 532

    22 /12

    Battle of Havda Field - Second War of Thaxnorian Expansion
    Military: Battle

    Battle of Havda Field was the largest battle of the Second War of Thaxnorian Expansion. Despite the overwhelming numbers of the Kingdom of Thaxnoria the battle was both pyrrhic and indecisive as the Curse of Havda was reawakened and unleashed chaos and death upon both forces.   Whist Thaxnoira was able to sustain heavy losses the Free States were unable to; the Battle of Havda Field would have signalled the long defeat of the Free States if not for the Heroes of the Free States and Wars of Undeath.

  • 533

    15 /1

    Fall of Kelmar and Defence Aranthaig - Wars of Undeath
    Disaster / Destruction

    Kelmar and Aranthaig are simultaneously attacked by the forces of the Avatar of Orcus.   Forces from various factions, including the Elnurian Alliance, Aarelan, Tee'Chaher, Lords of the Storm, and refugees from the Underdark, defend Aranthaig alongside the forces of Aranthaig successfully.   Kelmar falls to the forces led by the Avatar of Orcus, with only a few survivors escaping.

  • 533

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    Forces of Orcus Rampage throughout the Craglands - Wars of Undeath
    Military: War

    Following the fall of Kelmar, the Avatar of Orcus' forces rampage through the Craglands. Multiple attempts by allied forces to halt the Avatar's advance fail.

  • 533

    24 /2

    Destruction of the Avatar of Orcus and Battle of the Crossing - Wars of Undeath
    Military: Battle

    The forces of the Southern Free States (now known as the Union of Crowns), Kingdom of Thaxnoaria, Kingdom of Aran’Nack, Elnurian Alliance, Tee’Chaher, Arcane League, Lords of the Storm, and Velfauna Arcane Bastille joined in battle with the forces of Orcus in the Battle of the Crossing.   Whilst the Battle of the Crossing took place, the Heroes of the Free States with members of the Arcane League, Lords of the Storm, Tee’Chaher and members of the Velfauna Arcane Bastille teleported into Kelmar and the lair of the Avatar of Orcus. Within the Throneroom of Kelmar the Heroes of the Free States destroyed the Avatar of Orcus causing its forces to inanimate or flee.

  • 533

    24 /2

    Crystalline Convergence - Wars of Undeath
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Crystalline Convergence was the culmination of the efforts of the Crystal Catalyst to return Garthedd to Runetalras from the Weave where it had been trapped since the end of the Age of Blood . Terraxia, First of the Triarchy, ruler of the Crystal Catalyst, split the Mantle between the Weave and Prime Material Plane, and she pronounced the return of the Crystal Catalyst to all mages throughout Runetalras and declared her intent to conquer all.   When the Mantle was ripped apart which allowed more than just Garthedd to teleport to Runetalras. Whole landmasses and even continents were shifted from the Weave to Runetalras; with them came strange flora, dangerous fauna, Weave Aberrations , and worse Arcane Tempests winds of magical energy which empower and drive inexperienced magic users to madness.

  • 533

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    Obliteration of Hathban - Wars of Undeath
    Disaster / Destruction

    The floating city Gathedd hovered over the Free State Hathban, where Terraxia unleashed the power of the Crystalline Catalyst and obliterated the city of Hathban, its inhabitants, and forces of Selu’Qudar stationed nearby. The death toll was in the several hundred-thousands and left naught but a smoking crater and entrances to the Morning Light Caves once beneath the city.   In the aftermath of the Obliteration of Hathban Garthedd began its move towards Velfauna.

  • 533

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    Arcane Terror and Uprisings - Wars of Undeath
    Disaster / Destruction

    Catalyst agents carry out terrorist attacks in major cities. Dissident mages, including those from the Arcane Bastille system, Red Wizards, and Arcane League, rise up in violent rebellion throughout Runetalras.

  • 533

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    Kingdoms of Righteous Flame Founded

    After the conclusion of the Radiant Crusade (Also known as the Wars of Betrayal) Free States Runia and Toc’Vastil unit into one kingdom, with their newly acquired conquests the Free States Dispaxin and Duran.

  • 533

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    Second Siege of Garthedd - End of the Wars of Undeath
    Military: War

    The Forces of the Southern Free States (now known as the Union of Crowns), Kingdom of Thaxnoaria, Kingdom of Aran’Nack, Elnurian Alliance, Tee’Chaher, Arcane League, Lords of the Storm, and Velfauna Arcane Bastille assaulted Garthedd after the Heroes of the Free States brought the city to the Ground.   The Crystal Catalyst was brought to its knees as the allied forces attacked the city from the south, and the forces of Orrak Aahgith invaded from the north. The Heroes of the Free States striked the deathblow when they destroyed Terraxia and brought an end to both the Crystal Catalyst and the Wars of Undeath.

  • 533

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    Orrak Aahgith is Founded

    Great Kain Shokk Swiftshot, the Orc That Was Promised united most of the peoples of the Rugged Pass throughout 532 and 533:Contempt. The Great Kain Shokk Swiftshot lead his forces in the Second Siege of Garthedd, which culminated in victory at the Siege and the deceleration of the formation of Orrak Aahgith.

  • 533

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    Union of Crowns Founded

    In the aftermath of the Second War of Thaxnorian Expansion and the Wars of Undeath Enarsel, Feloc, Pathral, Tel'Bacy, and Velfauna formed a economic, political, and military union and forsook their independence

  • 533

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    Official End of the Second War of Thaxnorian Expansion

    A peace treaty was signed between the significant combatants of the War.

  • 535


    Northern Defensive Union Founded

    The Free States of Agathel, Cadurcil, Forthal, Kansura, and Katrua formed an economic, political, and military union in the aftermath of the aggression faced in the Radiant Crusade (Also known as the Wars of Betrayal).

  • 540


    United Five Kingdoms of Bar Sunda, Hunters Wrath, Loc Now, Surentra, and Warthnow Founded

    The Free States of Bar Sunda, Hunters Wrath, Loc Now, Surentra, and Warthnow formed an economic, political, and military union in the face of the perceived threat of Orrak Aahgith

  • 543


    Crusade for the Underhold
    Military: War

    The Crusade for the Underhold was a conflict between the Yhess Kingdoms on one side and the combined forces of Aran’Nack, peoples from the Underdark, the Northern Defensive Union, refugees, and rebellious slaves on the other. It resulted in the creation of the Unvanquished Domain and a defeat for the Yhess Kingdoms.

  • 549

    Unvanquished Domain Founded

    With the conclusion of the Crusade for the Underhold the Unvanquished Domain is founded.

  • 553

    Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy Invasion of the Wild Isles
    Military: War

    In 553:Contempt the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy launched an invasion of the rest of the Wild Isles.

  • 553

    Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy Invades the Wild Isles
    Military: War

    The Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy began its invasion of the Wild Isles (or the Draconic Isles as the Ascendancy refers to it) and attempted to subjugate and colonise the region.