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University of Newcity

Notable Students


She was a member of the first ever cohort of students at the university. She has since graduated several times, under several different names, becuase she enjoys learning more about the world.
Eventually, they offered her headship of the school becuase they thought that their could be no one else better qualified for the role. She was the Head when her niece Alina attended.

Alexei Alexeyvich

Alexei's father sent him to the university in the hopes that it would settle him a little which did not work. As Valentina would tell you, her brother has never been the academic type. Instead he chose to spend his time partying, making friends from the more unsuitable part of the city. This continued until his father threatened to force him home which was when he finally decideed to focus on his studies, though that's not to say he didn't find otehr distractions as he was forced to repeat his first year with a new cohort.

Fyodor Vasilyevich

Fyodor was always a very bright child and loved the education he recived at the Faeris School when he moved there and wrote often to his father to tell him about it. The Head of the Shadow Army saw his potential and gave him permittion to attend the university as long as his father paid for it. He went the year after Alexei did but because he was held back a year they ended up in the same classes and soon grew very close, Fyodor is the reason Alexei managed to make it through his course really.

Natalya and Aleksandr

As custom dictates, the younger son of the Tsar was sent to the University to study. It was only after severa days of begging that he permitted his daughter to attend as well in a first for the family. The pair had just graduated from the university when they decided to run away, so perhaps sending them both was not the best idea.

Alina Alexeyevna

Being the daughter of Alexei Alexeyvich and Fyodor Vasilyevich, Alina is a very highly educated young lady however she almost wasn't able to attend the university. The residential halls were inaccessable as the rooms were all up many flights of stairs, luckily for Alina her aunt was the Head of the University and her cousin the Tsar of Rusfaeris so between them they managed to build a new accomodation block where disabled students could live and study like everyone else.
Due to this change, Alina was one of the first disabled students to attend and graduate from the University.


They have a large campus in Newcity that has only expanded, it is the only sector of the city to have previously belonged to the Oldcity as it survived the floods. 
The great libaries were fortunately saved from the flood because they were all stored on the upper floors of the old stone buildings, though the original reading rooms were not lucky enough to survive.


This is the oldest, and thus far only, university in the known world. The richest people in the world compete to send their children here to study everything from history to mathmatics to economics. 
The university evolved out of the basement of the old libary where scholars would meet to discuss their work to encompass several halls and over 500 students. 
The buildings of the University became world renowned for its wonderful arcitecture and extreamly wealthy from the generous parents hoping to improve their child's education. 
Unfortunartely, many of these buildings were damaged during the great floods including the original room where the scholars first met. Luckily by this point, their now expansive libary and archives had been moved to the upper floors of the renovated cathedral hall so they were safe from destruction. 
During the building of the Newcity, the University was the only thing that didn't move from where it once stood and thus it became the bridge between the old city and the new.

Together, we can excel


by Violin99

Alina Alexeyevna 

by Violin99
Educational, University
Related Species


The royal family of Rusfaeris have been sending their younger children to the university for their education for decades, funding many of the buildings and even contributing to the rebuild following the flood. 
In return, the university sends tutors for the Tsarevich who is not trusted to be so far away from his homeland.


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