Duskham is a large city in the western-central region of Reshnia. It is one of the few places that have not been affected by Hydra directly. Many residents of Rochdale came here when Rochdale was overrun by Hydra, which has caused the population to increase drastically and has caused a market boom in many industries.
Duskham is ruled by The High Duskham Court, a group of 13 elected officials who create and enforce all laws for Duskham and the surrounding areas. These officials vote on all changes to laws, the city, and the surrounding area.
Duskham was built above the bones of an unknown massive creature, which is where it got the nickname "City of Bones". These bones were used as support for what at the time were the outer walls of Duskham and still exist inside the walls to this day.
Large city
Approximately 40,000
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)
Characters in Location