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Finn Zarkov

Finn Zarkov (a.k.a. Prank Lord)

Finn Zarkov is a Fire Genasi, He was an Inventor who specialized in building magical prosthetics for patients who had lost the use of some of their limbs. When the War in Wokris Broke out, he was forced to leave his home and flee. He decided to go north but was cut off by enemy forces. He managed to flee but a stray bomb explosion Completely destroyed his arms. He managed to use a health potion to close the mounds but once he got north, he was forced to use the prosthetics of his own design. . It took him a few months to get used to his new arms, but eventually he did, and he started working on building a suit of armor for himself which he could use to try and defeat the Victoricci Empire's Armada. . After the War ended, News didn't reach Ki-ahi, until a year later. After hearing this news, he went home to Wokris and found his house had been destroyed. While there, he learned that The Victoricci Empire was still around, and they recently started occupying Tsinaal. So he set out by himself, to attempt to find people who share his Views against The Victoricci Empire   FAMILY TREE NOT AVAILABLE

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Finn is a Larger Build Person, He has some larger Muscles and He stands at Six Foot 2

Body Features

His Body is mostly Average, Apart from a Birthmark on His Back which is in the Shape of a Blazing Fire

Facial Features

He has Glowing White Eyes, a small nose, and Firey Blond hair which Flows as though it is a campfire atop his head.

Identifying Characteristics

His Black Leather Armour with some Golden Armour Plating

Mental characteristics

Personal history

FInn was living with his brother in Wokris when the war first broke out, And his Brother Was killed on his way home rom work one evening, This Led to Finn going into Hermitry Within Tsays.   Finn has a bit of trauma from the first few weeks in Tsays with nothing.

Personality Characteristics


He wants to take down the Victoricci Empire for good and He knows he needs help to do it.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Finn has trouble communicating sometimes because of being alone for 4 years in Hermitry.

Finn is a Fire Genasi Who used to live in Wokris before the Victoricci Empire took over and he was forced to leave his home to live a life of seclusion.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
Ia, 22, 2040
Firey Yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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Immeasurable Power

Dearest Mother and Father, I sincerely hope that this letter finds you well.   I'm fucking great. I just discovered religion!   Long story short, I met this guy named Ranger Dave. I'm pretty sure he's a god and So naturally I made a bet with him. I offered him something I can't remember in exchange for immeasurable power and I won! All it costed me was a piece of my Brain which I was okay with since my brain is massive. anyways apparently whenever I next go to sleep I will wake up with a shadow tome and immeasurable power. and the piece of my brain that the god is taking will probably be gone by then as well.   p.s. I fought a dragon with my allies   p.p.s. Tell Lilah "Ur Bf Gae"

The Military Base

Dearest Mother and Father, I Hope this letter finds you well.   I am okay, and I am currently writing this as were on our way back from a small military raid whilst the remaining ship in our fleet are arriving in seltans.   Father, I miss your cringe jokes, Mother, I miss your cooking, and To my dear sister.   "ur bf gae"

Casino Town

So, this quick tale begins with us sending word to our allies to unite a naval fleet to attempt a siege on Tsinaal. we sent word for everyone to meet in a a few weeks time. so in our down time we all went to check out this casino place that Henry told us about.   As soon as he mentioned casino I knew where he was talking about and so the whole crew left the ship at some docks and we travelled to the Casino Place In Faerous. So after we got there we settled in and everyone went to gambling, I Played some high stakes games and Counted Cards to guarantee my chances of Victory, I won about 500 Platinum profit from this, but before I was even there Henry (The Ships Deck master) told us about his cousin who might be interested in robbing a casino. Everyone was against it but me and Bermard. We set out to recruit some of the party behind Eric and Drakon's back and the Halthor (The Rat Bastard He Is) Ratted us out to Drakon.   Drakon was super pissed and we argued the whole night. it ended with him kicking us out of the group before letting us back in but stripping our titles. He then granted out titles back for some reason. Then the next day I met with Henry's Cousin and scared him off and then I planned a Heist of My Own on the biggest Casino There. I met some e4xperts in an alleyway and they helped me orchestrate my plan. They also helped guide our Shipmates which I used to not death.   During this I told Eric about the plan hoping to recruit him, and I told him of the rumours which said that this whole place was run by sirens. It wasn't, but Eric managed to find out that it was run by werewolves instead. and Eric joined in on the heist. after my plan was successfully executed, the crew escaped through some sewer tunnels while the rest of us snuck out. However when we were sneaking out we Saw that Drakon and Halthor had somehow found out and were snooping around after they had saved the rest of the crew we used. We managed to get past them though.   I'm currently writing this so It is documented for whenever Drakon figures it out that it was us and Kills Me. If I Die, Henry Gets the Ship and My Stuff

My Death? x3?
13, Ia, 2077 idk

So uhh, I died.   Drakon, Halthor, Spoon and I all were going to this dungeon thing. along the way we stopped at the PPW town known as Juniper. We all explored a bit before setting out. I don't know what the others were doing, but I bought new sails for the ship we commandeered from the Victoricci Empire.   while those were being made up we all went set out for this cult dungeon thing where the wizard arnathles. one the way out of town, we met this wizard who said his name was Dwayne "the stone" Johnson and I sold Kakon and Mikes spell books to him for a staff of healing and a bag of holding. I gave both of them to halthor in exchange for this one question thing which will be a surprise tool to help us later. Mr. "The stone" also told us about arnathles killing his father Cave Johnson. we decided to question arnathles when we saved him.   Once we finally set out for this dungeon we came up with a plan to pose os new cultists hopefully wanting to join... this plan went straight out the window as soon as halthor opened his mouth. Long story short we cleared the place out, we killed cultists and some demon things they summoned.   Once this was done I found the object arnathles was in and I smashed it. he was freed and I covered his bare naked body with a blanket I had on me. We then questioned him and he said that he had killed a lot of people so naturally I attacked him, because we can't trust a murderer. long story short he killed me.   I don't remember anything until Spoon reincarnated me as a Halfling, Drakon then offered to use a wish scroll he had to put me back into my original body. this backfired and my soul went into my dead corpse. then the next thing I know is that I am back, but as an UGLY rock gnome.   Determined to fix the horrendous body I was placed in, I used the one question I got from halthor and asked where the nearest 3 wish scrolls were. We then went on a quest back inland in Tauris and found a dungeon with a Three headed Hydra Dragon thing that was sleeping. I shrunk it down with a spell and after a short battle we managed to take it out. I grabbed the wish scrolls it was guarding.   on the way back into town we stopped to camp out for a night because we were all tired. During this time I used one of my wishes to get my old body back successfully this time. and I used another to get a bag of holding with 25 diamond each worth 1000gp each. I then felt really bad for Drakon wasting his wish on me and I gave him the last one. after this Spoon was mining and found a tomb thing underground. we all checked it out before promptly getting it filled with sand. no one was harmed luckily and then in the morning we set out back to Juniper.   Once we got back, I bought a pair of gloves and a cloak and went to the ship to try and Infuse them with some magic. I made a cloak of protection which gives me extra armour, and I made a pair of gloves which allows me to catch small projectiles like arrows. Once everyone else got back drakon told me that the new guy we were with for a little while had sold drugs and was kicked out. He stowed away aboard our ship and we ended up forgiving him... barely.   After this we decided to head into The Stardom Religion of Ress's Territory to try and get them as allies to put some pressure on the Victoricci Homeland. This didn't work and we were denied entry to their capital city. Now we're currently on route to The Territory of which the resort Finn had is located.   That concludes this entry.

Naval Battle

So, Once we arrived back on Drakon's Main ship, we started to sail towards Tauris, where they said they had a friend who we need to rescue.   Once we were on our way, we spotted a battle in the distance, it was a Victoricci Ship versus a PPW ship, so after some planning we sailed over and engaged in the combat.   We positioned the ship off of the opposite side of the Victoricci Ship and we started boarding. After some quick work we managed to take out most of the top deck crew, including the captain.   We recruited two archers and one of the crew members who surrendered. Once we successfully cleared the deck, we signaled the PPW that we had claimed the ship.   They said we had made a friend and they sailed off. As this was happening. I went below deck and found about 30 crew members who were all below deck patching holes.   Once the ship had been repaired, I offered each of them a better pay per month, and bought thier loyalty essentially.   They were being paid 6 gold per month, I upped that to 1 platinum per month using Mike's money and I gave each of them a down payment of 20 platinum. This costed me 600 total for this mo th and will continue to cost me 33 Plat per month from now on.   O ce this was over some of our main group took the smaller ship back to tsinaal to check on the guild hall. And the rest of us are continuing on the go rescue thier friend.

My Family

I am Writing this Journal Because I miss my family, I am having trouble remembering their faces because I've been apart from them for so long, this was even before the war. I can't remember thier faces very well, but I can remember what they wrre like so Here I'll Write That.   My Father, His Name was Kai Zarkov, He was a Strict father who did not like change very much, but I loved him because he pushed me to be better than even I though I could be from a young age.   My Mother, Her name was Mei. She was The Kindest person I had ever met, she helped my dad get out of a large Downward spiral in his life and for that, my whole family is Greatful.   ---   My Brother Zayne. He was the only one who didn't hate me for leaving Faerous, Everyone else called me a deserter and a Coward for leaving Faerous, And Honestly, I don't even know Why I left, But Through all That he stayed with me, He even moved to Wokris with me before sadly Getting Killed at the start of the war   My Sister Lilah, I don't think she ever hated me for leaving, because Deep down, I think she wanted to leave as well, But she was scared of leaving Mom and Dad alone and what it would do to them to see all of thier children Leaving them. She was the best of them, She was Kind and Caring to me even when I was at odd with the rest of my family.   -- I really miss them All and I hope that they're All doing good wherever they are right now.

New People
5th, Ia, 2077

While I was on a scavenging run a Tabaxi approached me and told me that the War is Wokris was over, So naturally I went to the store to buy some supplies before Departing. At this store a water genasi andhis buddy walked in and were taking to the shopkeeper. words were said and then the genasi knocked him out. the Buddy then put a fish thing in his mouth and later the shopkeepers head exploded. I assume the fellow party members walked in and started fighting the genasi, then the genasi punched them a bit and then the Fish guy and the genasi teleported away. I introduced myself to the others and me and The tabaxi decided to help them track down the rouge party memebers and kill them. so we did.   That pretty much sums it up, and then we went back to the boat those guys came to Tsays on and the others on the boat said something about a bunch of people being dead. I think I made an insensetive joke and made Them kinda angry at me. Either way we're now chilling on the boat prepping to depart.

My Quest
6th, Ia, 2077

4 Years. For 4 years I was alone in the frozen Hell which is Tsays. I Survived There for 4 Years while I waited for the Victoricci Empire's War to be over, And then last week I received word that the war had been over for a whole year. An entire extra year I lived in Tsays when I didn't have to.   My Mission is to Take down Wyvll and his God-forsaken Empire. Currently I am working on News that Wyvll has forces occupting Tsinaal, I need to go find out for myself what The Victoricci Empire is doing in Tsinal.   I'll be departing from Tsays in a few days, I need to collect my items right now.


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