Frigus Geographic Location in Sagrea | World Anvil
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One of the main four continents of Sagrea. Hosting a variety of ecosystems, Frigus is noted for two things among its inhabitants: its abundance of luxurious resources and the harsh northern mountains. Because of the land's general quality, entire countries have grown and thrived with little struggle, and despite the ever-looming threat of the Atlanteans within the continent's western ocean, the kingdoms have all prospered with the help of each other.   However, what sets Frigus apart from the other continents is the sheer amount of historic, world changing events that have occurred in it, or at least be traced back to it. Events such as The Falcon's Trek or Nimue's Discovery have all had their start here. Because many heroes and adventurers either start or have something major occur to them within the borders of Lunaria, people all over Sagrea often deem it a good stepping stone as a "blessed town of adventure". Whether or not their words hold resolve and serious determination or dry sarcasm is all in the eye of the beholder.


Frigus' lands range from lush, green plains and hills stretching from east to west, dense forests at its heart, a harsh desert in the south, all the way to the snowy, mountainous terrain in the north. The land's abundance of rivers and lakes have promoted an incredible rise in thriving settlements. Much like the rest of the planet, selenite crystals scatter the continent, allowing its inhabitants to freely make use of them. Because of their placement in the western fields, the crystals create an ethereal environment within the open fields of Lunaria where moonlight's shine reveals glowing feathers drifting softly.

Fauna & Flora

Plant and animal life thrive in Frigus' forests and plains, but the desert wildlife is much more unforgiving due to its lack of vegetation. Predatory beasts lurk above and beneath the sands, awaiting their next meal for days at a time. In a similar vein, the harsh northern mountains are home to a scarce amount of trees and animals outside of its snowy forests, which contain an ecosystem that can brave its conditions. One must tread lightly when hiking up to the mountain's summit out of fear for silent predators.

Natural Resources

The long stretches of woodlands and selenite allow easy access to resources such as wood and magic stones along with an abundance of wild animals. Within the mountains, valuable metals and a variety of luxurious gemstones attract traders of all kinds. Within the deserts, however, the lack of an easy-to-access network forces its inhabitants to rely on trade, an oasis, or any hunted beast they come across.
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