Archbishop Lazarus Character in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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Archbishop Lazarus (LAZ-ah-rus)

The Archbishop Lazarus is an ambassador from the Zakarum Church and an advisor to King Leoric of Khanduras.   Lazarus is a trained mage, and held a position of high regard in Kurast, but chose to set aside his position in order to join Leoric and his entourage. Ever loyal, Lazarus was a vocal member of the court, regularly admonishing those who would question the king, even in his mental decline.   When Prince Albrecht was kidnapped, Lazarus himself led the charge into the Tristram Cathedral to save the boy, but was lost in the labyrinth during the attempt. This act convinced many of his piety and loyalty to the Crown, but documents later unearthed by a group of heroes led by none other than the Crown Prince Aidan, revealed that Lazarus was actually in league with the demons, and had been working with them for an unknown amount of time.
Year of Birth
1201 AK 62 Years old
Worships Diablo
Aligned Organization
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