Zakarum Organization in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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Zakarum (ZAHK-ah-room)

The Order of Zakarum is a major religion on Sanctuary dedicated to the worship of the Light and its tenets, though its faith has frequently led to fanaticism. Founded by the Xiansai ascetic, Akarat, after a moment of divine revelation, it has grown over the last millennium to be the most populous faith in the modern world.


The Zakarum Church is a hierarchal body, composed of differing offices.   The highest authority within the faith is that of the Que-Hegan. Under this figure, attendant archbishops of the High Council are tasked with administering the various territories under Zakarum control.   The Church has maintained arms militant with twelve Grand Inquisitors originally tasked with detecting corruption within the populace. The number of inquisitors increased as the influence of the Prime Evils spread. Eventually, the priesthood itself took on the role of judge and jury, and sent out the Zakarum Zealots to play the role of executioner to any who were considered corrupted.   Additionally, the Church has possessed at least two Paladin orders—the Protectors of the Word and the Hand of Zakarum.

Tenets of Faith

  • The Light exists in everyone, regardless of race, religion, or social status.
  • Embrace the Light with total devotion.
  • Trust in the glory of the Light, for its authority supersedes all power in the mortal world.
  • Resist all things evil.
  These, and other aspects of the faith, can be found within the holy texts of the religion including The Visions of Akarat and The Holy Scriptures of Zakarum.
Founding Date
0 AK
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Church of Light
Zakarum Church
Religion of the Light
Permeated Organizations


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