Khanduras Organization in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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Khanduras (kahn-DOOR-ahs)

Khanduras is one of the Western Kingdoms‌ of Sanctuary. While small, it has remained an independent region in the West for hundreds of years - with its own peoples, beliefs, and settlements distinct from its neighbors.


While Khanduras has existed for centuries, within the last hundred years or so many Eastern pilgrims settled in the lands surrounding Khanduras and established small, self-contained kingdoms. A few of these kingdoms bickered with Khanduras over holdings of property or routes of trade but these squabbles did little to upset the lasting peace of the West. The new kingdom of Westmarch proved to be a strong ally of Khanduras as the two lands steadily engaged in ventures of barter and commerce, despite the founding of the southern kingdom being a decidedly Eastern endeavor.   As the people of Westmarch adopted the statutes of Zakarum, they began to turn towards their neighbors, expecting them to embrace this new beginning as well. Tensions rose between the kingdom of Westmarch and the people of Khanduras as the priests of Zakarum began to preach their foreign dogma whether they were welcomed or not.   In 1258, Leoric was sent to Khanduras at the behest of the Zakarum Church, beginning his short and tumultuous reign. Things began well for the fledgling kingdom, but quickly deteriorated alongside as did the king's mental stability. By 1263 the kingdom had all but fallen apart. King Leoric was dead, slain by his own men, the royal family was missing or dead, and the army was routed in an ill-fated military campaign against Westmarch.


Khanduras is bordered by the Gulf of Westmarch to the west, the nation of Westmarch to the south, the Sharval Wilds and Entsteig to the north, and is separated from Aranoch by the Tamoe Mountain Range in the east.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations

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