Griswold Character in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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Griswold (GRIZ-wahld)

Griswold was an accomplished smith from the town of Tristram. He was friendly and energetic, but mostly concerned about perfecting his work as a smith. Like many of the people of the town, Griswold joined Archbishop Lazarus in the ill-fated attempt to save Prince Albrecht and was severely injured, ending any further attempts to enter the Tristram Cathedral.   Griswold was distraught to learn that the mithril greatsword that he had forged for King Leoric had been accidentally broken in battle by the heroes trying to save Tristram, letting them know that he would not be able to replicate such a powerful weapon with the @Anvil , which had been secreted away by the Archbishop Lazarus following the king's descent into madness.
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Year of Birth
1216 AK 47 Years old


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