Khazra Species in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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Khazra (KAHZ-rah)

Resembling an abominable fusion of goat and man, the Khazra are a constant threat to the Western Kingdoms where they roam the hills and valleys in search of prey. Despite being colloquially known as "goat demons" by many, these creatures are mortals native to Sanctuary — though they have a wicked intelligence and a sadistic streak that makes them as dangerous a foe as any true demon. The Khazra are aligned into several disparate clans, each with their own culture and abilities, but they are all united in their hatred of mankind.  



Rampage - Khazra are fueled by their hatred of mankind and love of violence. When seeing an opponent fall in combat, they may charge a nearby enemy, making a free ram attack with their horns.
Resistances: None
Immunities: None
Vulnerabilities: None

Genetic Descendants

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