Western Kingdoms Geographic Location in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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Western Kingdoms

The Western Kingdoms consist of the lands of Westmarch, Khanduras, and Entsteig.


The Western Kingdoms lie to the west of the Twin Seas and southwards of the Northern Steppes, forming the westernmost extent of the world of Sanctuary. While jungles existed in the continent's south in the distant past, much like Kurast in the east, the climate and terrain of the present day Western Kingdoms are much cooler and rockier than that of Kehjistan.


Long ago, the West was dominated my roaming bands of paganistic peoples called the Children of Bul-kathos, but better known as "barbarians" throughout the the East. As such, most of the western lands were seen as uncharted and wild. As time went on, and Easterners began to explore these lands, the nomadic tribes largely retreated to the Northern Steppes to maintain their culture. In their absence, smaller nations began to form in the western lands, eventually giving rise to the name "the Western Kingdoms."   Even still, there was limited contact between the East and West until after the resurgence of the Zakarum faith around 1045, and Rakkis's subsequent crusade into the West. Westmarch and Entsteig both became bastions of the faith, providing a place where eastern philosophy meshed with western culture, and creating an environment where more Easterners felt compelled to settle in the West.

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the West
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