
"They may be obsessed with digging, but I've never had a Nezzonite turn me away when I need a warm meal and a place to bed down. Long as you can stomach listening to them talk about light and rocks all night they are too bad. Not one can deal a deck of cards to save their farms though. Speaking of, you gonna shuffle them cards into dust or you gonna start dealin'?" |Eunice


Common Dress code

Women are to wear floor length dresses that reach their neckline. In warmer months dress sleeves may be shortened to the elbow, but must never go higher.   Men must wear long trousers that keep their ankles covered, long sleeved shirts that button to cover their necks, and gloves at all times to ensure that no skin aside from their face is visible at any time.

Coming of Age Rites

When a Nezzonite comes of age they must immediately began courting until a suitable family unit is found. If woman is unable to find a suitable unit she must submit herself to the council of elders who will find her a suitable unit immediately even if it means dividing family units to ensure each woman has a place. If a man is unable to find a unit he must also submit to the elders and be put to hard labor until there is room for a husband in a suitable unit.


Gender Ideals

Nezzonite women are the leaders of the Covenant and their households. From an early age they are expected to learn to read the gospels and are expected to run their families according to their guidelines. They oversee the education of their children, the cooking of meals, and must show The Light in their every action.
This includes treating their husbands with respect and understanding of their lesser minds base behaviors. They must train their men and keep them in line should they falter from the divine path.

Nezzonite men are responsible for cleaning and farmwork. They must also keep their bodies and minds pure at all times for the Divine Responsibility of fathering at least fifty surviving children. Those who fulfill this responsibility become Bishops and are allowed to study the gospels to one day become worthy of The Light.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship falls to the eldest wife of a family. It is her responsibility to always make sure there are nine wives and three husbands in her family. In the event a spouse passes away she has three weeks to find a suitable replacement or risk her family being dismantled and remarried to more responsible women.

Major organizations

The Radiant Covenant: The Nezzonite Church
  Tezzonite Union of Light: An offshoot of the Covenant. Not officially associated, but heavily monitored by their parent church.
Related Organizations
Related Locations

Cover image: by Darth Nikolas via


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