The Radiant Covenant

"Somethin ain't right with those Nezzonites, always prayin' and diggin'. They sure do find some pretty rocks, but how do they think they're gonna find light underground? Now, who's dealin'?"

Public Agenda

The Covenant seeks to spread the blessed word of The Light throughout the world by helping those in need. A Nezzonite home is always open to wary travelers with good food and warm blankets to spare.


The Radiant Covenant was founded in ???? by Anita Brighton following an encounter with The Light. Anita and her husband were pioneers traveling west from The Old Territories. As they traveled they came upon what would later be called Nazteth Valley. Upon entering the ahead of her family a light so fierce it would blind her for days flashed in front of her.
  She would remain blind for three weeks during which she was granted a series of visions and gospels from The Light. She was often heard mumbling to herself and frequently demanded graphite and paper on which she transcribed all she saw. The moment she completed the final chapter her sight was restored.
Anita immediately told her family everything she had seen and the rules they must follow if they were to be granted entrance to The Eternal Light. While some mocked her others took her seriously and she began to develop a small following as they continued west over the next few years.
In ????, shortly after marrying her fifth wife, The Light commanded Anita to return to the Valley of Nazteth and found a settlement. The return journey was long, but Anita preached The Light in every town and soon they grew several hundred strong, eventually reaching a thousand members by the time they reached they Valley.
There Anita would formally found the town of Nazteth and The Radiant Covenant where she taught the gospels until cities destruction during the superstorm that would become known as The Swallower of Nazteth.
The Covenant would have died there had Anita's succesor, Lucy Brighton, not been away on a mission. While Lucy lacked her mother's charisma she had also began receiving visions while on her mission and assured the people that it was The Light's will for her to take up Anita's mantle.
Most Covenant members were quick to accept Lucy, however, Tessa Brighton, Lucy's eldest sister insisted that Anita have empowered her with the visions near the beginning of the storm before sending her to escape the storm.
Lucy contests these facts since most Nezzonites who chose to flee Nazteth claim that Anita had forbidden anyone from leaving. Thus, according to Lucy, Anita was clearly not in her right mind when she ordered everyone to stay and, thus, any visions granted to Tessa would be tainted.
Under Lucy's leadership the Covenant would go on to found New Nezzon on the sand dunes atop Nazteth where the church still thrives.

Mythology & Lore

In the beginning The Light created all things, from dirt, plant, and animal. The land was lush and fruitful, but The Light knew it needed tending and created the First Wives and gave them three husbands. Together the twelve would go forth and fill the land with their kin, caring for all things with love and light.
Life was easy and The Light communed with all things daily until the husbands disagreed and one was killed. Death was unknown to them and the men felt assured he would awaken by morning, but when The Light came to the at dawn he asked them what had happened. The husbands lied and said beasts had attacked their fellow husband, striking him down.
But The Light knew their lies and cursed them all from its presence, bidding that the beasts should indead attack all people and their lives would be filled with toil and fear.
The First Wives begged forgiveness for their husbands, but the light cursed them for their foolishness and saw that they too should be sent from its presence.
For the first time people knew the true darkness of night and the bite of a beast and longed for The Light once again. The Light stayed silent for many generations until it spoke to Anita Brighton through a series of visions promising that she would "one day find The Light growing in the darkest depths for those that would follow her."
Religious, Cult
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Cover image: by Darth Nikolas via


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