
Often confused with, but distinct from the Godblooded and Godtouched, aasimar are individals that have been directly infused with the positive energy of the higher planes. Unlike tieflings, who seem largely ignored by the being that created them, the beings of the good aligned planes view aasimar as instruments to bring more good to the realm.  Aasimar, are of course mortals with free will, and are thus not bound to do the deeds of their angelic guides, while most do good deeds as directed, many mortals outright reject the power given to them.

Basic Information


Aasimar generally appear simply as exceptionally attractive mortals. For the most part many aasimar are completely able to mask their heritage, though in times of strong emotions, they to manifest metallic features, glowing eyes, halos or even angelic wings.

Genetics and Reproduction

Also in contrast to their lower planes cousins, aasimar do not breed more aasimar. While it is thought that the power lays dormant even when passed down through family lines, it is just as likely that aasimar are specifically chosen and made by higher powers.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Aasimar are nearly universally met positive reactions wherever they go. Because of their ability to mask their appearance and relative rarity, no society of aasimar exists, but many find themselves drawn to positions of beneficial leadership and service.
Planar influenced mortal
As per mortal race
Average Height
As per mortal race
Average Weight
As per mortal race


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