
The Godblooded, or demi-gods, where the offspring of a mortal and a divine being or avatar. In most but not all cases, a physical act - willing or not - was required to create these divine children. While this was assumed to give the offspring powers beyond a normal mortal, many Godblooded can be deemed to be simply exceptional mortals. Many rulers, particularly in Human and Yuan-ti cultures claim to be descended from gods in this way.  


  In Mij'es it is claimed that the semi-mythical First Emperor laid with Shivad'ress and fathered the full gods of control and charity. Eo, conversely, is said to have borne numerous demi-god children which often face Ulmark's judgment. Throndar is known to be as victorious in love as battle and has sired both god and godblood with mortal women. If there is a definitive difference in the production of god and godblooded, it remains a secret of the divines.
Religious, Special


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