
Dreadcaptain refers to the political leader of the Free Cities Accord. Officially he rules as a "first, among equals," and a "best person for the job." Though a complex system of voting overseen by the Ballot Masters the Dreadcaptain is simultaneously democratically elected and the weirder of virtually complete authority.   The offical title has only ever been held by one man, Dreadcaptain Wavethrush and while some have attempted to establish a separate political title (Dread Admiral being the current best sugestion) the Dreadcaptain is generally referred to by his original title.


Traditionally the title required a vote of undisputed authority over the pirate fleets of the Sheer Coast. Now it is maintained by a complex system of hierarchical absentee voting through the ballot system.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

There has been only one Dreadcaptain since the title became one of political authority, Dreadcaptain Wavethrush. It is unclear at the moment how the tittle will pass on when he leaves power. The Dreadcaptain has numerous subordinates and children who could all potentially seek the title, or it could fall to ballot masters to choose the next ruler.


Originally, the title of Dreadcaptain referred to the captain of a particularly successful pirate ship along the Sheer Coast. Many pirates, either through reputation or self appointment, earned the appellation. In time, it became a favorite pastime of these Dreadcaptains to place the title on the line in competitions that ranged from dice games to duels to treasure hunts.   In 1475, when the Free Cities Accord was formed in the wake of the Yvalian invasion, the pirates of the coast found themselves in the roll naval defense of a sovereign state. The vote took place in a closed tavern in Dreadmouth and the next morning it was reported that, by unanimous accord, Dreadcaptain Wavethrush had been named the new head of all the fleets of the Free Cities. The various land-based cities of the accord, also agreed to designate the Dreadcaptain as their public face. By virtue of his military prowess, bravado, and personality he has embodied the role, and thus his existing title has become the political title for the leader of the state.

Notable Holders

Form of Address
Captain, Sir, Admiral
Alternative Naming
Equates to
Monarch, high counsel
Source of Authority
Personality, subordinates
Related Locations
Related Organizations


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