Yvalian invasion

In 1473 DR, the armies of the dark elf empire, Yvalia, crossed the Strait of Gualbenzihl and conquered the independent city of Amitron. The city of Mentar then fell after a longer siege.   Mentar's defiance, bought the rest of the city of the north time to form the Free Cities Accord. And while occasional smaller scale battles have been fought, there have been no significant changes in territory since the early years of the war.

The Conflict


Himse regards this conflict as one of brutal and unprovoked agression. But the safety of Elven shipping, having been terrorized for years by the pirate fleets of the Sheer Coast who crossed straight with impunity, may have prompted Yvalia's expansion in an effort to secure both sides of the strait and make the Shattered Sea into a pirate free zone.


Immediately after crossing the straight the elven forces claimed victory at the Battle of Amitron and marched on Mentar conquering both settlements.


The remaining independent cities of the north, unable to stand independently against a superior force, formed the Free Cities Accord in hopes of repelling further incursions. The combined armies of the Free Cities have effectively held the Yvalian troops at Amitron and Mentar, and though the war still rages it has considerably cooled in the last 5 years in part attributed to the Accord's naval prowess and its effect on Yvalian supply lines and in part due to a Yvalian military doctrine that favors defensive fortifactions.
Included Conflicts
Conflict Type
Military Campaign
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result



Naval superiority, financial and logistical resources
Numerical superiority, magically augmented troops


Two cities lost


Reconquer lost territory
Land conquest

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