
Perhaps the most rare of the giantkin, the firbolg are said to have descended from those giants who through their close ties to Eo wielded powerful nature magic. Generally peaceful, kind, and isolationist, few people have ever seen a firbolg, especially outside of the Norian Peninsula, this is only compounded by the race's innate ability to conceal themselves with magic.

Basic Information


At a distance, firbolg appear as large (typically over 7' / 2.1 m) humanoids, but as one gets closer more animalistic traits can be observed. Firbolg typically have long ears, wide noses, and brightly colored fur.


Of all the giantkin, the firbolg are the closest to nature and the least aggressive. Their default method of dealing with conflict is to avoid it entirely. Firbolg tend to form small isolated communities and family groups far from established cities.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Conservation Status
Geographic Distribution


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