
Like the other two "small races" of Sanzeia it is unclear where halflings originated from. Everything from the language to their features indicates a likely origin in the human race, but no definite link has ever been found. Some schools of thought claim that they are the result of some sort of corruption by a chaos god or prank of a trickster god and the same decadence that turned giants to humans, turned humans to halflings. Some even claim the small races came from an alternate plane, where everything is the same just half the size.   Regardless they are among one of the widest spread and most populous of the races of Sanzeia. Though they have no official patron god many are fond of Luciel or the more agrarian aspects Eo. Many halflings live simple lives as farmers or townspeople and are more common in the countryside than in large cities. Friendly and good natured, relatively few halflings set out to be come adventurers, and most do it more out of curiosity and ambition rather than tragedy.

Civilization and Culture

Courtship Ideals

While by no means a norm for halflings, culturally they do seem the least concerned about marrying and baring children within their own race than most. A half-halfling child tend to resemble the racial traits of the other parent, but will probably be noticeably shorter than average.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Halflings tend to get along quite well with all the other races of Sanzeia, and generally anywhere there is a established community, there will be at least a few halflings.  As a halfling will rarely turn away a person in need, halfling homes are often frequented by travelers and adventurers -- something that halflings actually plan for in the construction of their living spaces. Thus halflings have a reputation for world news and gossip.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Divine, uncertain
Average Height
3' / 91 cm
Average Weight
40 lbs / 18 kg
Geographic Distribution


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