Grand Duke Aylandis Che (AH LAN DIS CHAY)

Grand Duke Aylandis Che

Once a general of the armies of Yval, the Grand Duke now stands in opposition to his former empress. Though accounts vary highly, the general appearance is that the combination of perceived insult at his distant posting and lack of direct influence by the Immortal Empress allowed Aylandis to declare independence from the Empire. Going so far as to seduce Moonpriestess Lethirea Shadespear to his cause (again accounts vary on who seduced whom to sedition), he rules his territory as a iron fisted dictator.

Personality Characteristics


Though the assumption is that the Grand Duke's secession was at least prompted by personality and perceived insult, militarily he is highly defensive, and politically isolationist.



The Grand Duke of Che has been the ruler of his own state since 1403 DR, when he declared independence from Yval. Yval has yet to mount a significant offensive to retake the territory, and has even conducted major military operations such as the Battle of Amitron within a short distance of Che's borders.

Contacts & Relations

The relationship between the Grand Duke and his religious leader, Moonpriestess Shadespear is unclear as is the power dynamic between the two. It is generally assumed that they are lovers.

Family Ties

While nominally a follower of the Yvalian Faith, the Grand Duke concerns himself with more practical matters. He respects the Moonpriestesses as a matter of proper decorum rather than faith.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Grand Duke, High General of Ushath
Year of Birth
1247 DR 244 Years old
Lyndranel, heretical
Aligned Organization


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