Hag Ritual

This ancient ritual was discovered by Bergatha under unknown circumstances and formed the basis for her plan to get revenge on the people of Ardrest that had defeated her previous coven some 100 years earlier.   The ritual describes a way for a hag to generate her own coven through the creation of other hags with forced loyalty to their creator. The ritual itself is somehow tied to the equinox, and specifically the one that occurs every 14 years and is marked by the Fortyear Festival. On that night, by performing this ritual on a specifically prepared girl child of less than a year old, the hag can create a Hagborn who on her 13th birthday will manifest into a fully formed hag who's will is subservient to her hag "mother."   Bergatha performed this ritual multiple times, but only succeed twice once in 1463 when she created a hag from the body of Lendi and 14 years later when she birthed Marti.  She would have used this ritual to create a new hag from the body of Alma Halfhill and replace Lendi, who she saw as a flawed first attempt, but was thwarted by the Frostyear Guardians.

Components and tools

The ritual was (mercifully) lost with Bergatha's death, but clearly required one female infant, dark magic, and lot of blood.


When the Guardians interrupted the ritual it was being performed by Bergatha in the guise of the Harpy Queen, and a group of twisted harpy witches loyal to the hag.


The ritual can only be performed on the night of the equinox every 14 years, the same night celebrated as the Fortyear festival.


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