Lendi (LEND EE)

Lendi Greenvalley

First of Bergatha's hag "daughters" created by the hag ritual, Lendi was a being of near mindless rage. While skilled with the creation of her golem-like "dolls," as a hag Lendi's mind was little more than a child's. Though she formed a part of Bergatha's coven and thus (with Marti)  increased the hag's power many fold, Lendi's simple mind prevented her from any true scheming and thus she was always a disappointment for Bergatha.  The elder hag actively sought to replace her with Alma Halfhill. Lendi met her end at the site of the Ilyrinan Machine beneath Hagsfall Tower when Kenris magic blasted her into the pit beneath the machine and she fell through into another plane.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

There is a ripple in the water and suddenly it explodes, out of it emerges a monstrous parody of a woman. Her torso is that of a bloated, drowned halfling, the flesh puffy and white, her limbs impossibly long and near skeletal. Her hair is dark, wet and also greasy at the same time. Her eyes uneven, overly large, blood red fish-like lenses. Her jaw extends unnaturally low, unhinging revealing long, snakelike needle fangs. With a roar full of inhuman pain she charges...

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lendi's story begins with that of her mother Malda Greenvalley (nee Rosebriar) who was desperately in love with Kelvin Underbarrel, a halfling who was intent on becoming an adventurer. Malda, in desperation sought out an old woman in the woods for a love potion to make the young halfling stay in Ardrest.  Though she did succeed in the object of her desire, Kelvin was intent on leaving.  Malda moved on quickly, and married Ferren Greenvalley, and the couple welcomed their first child, Lendi, early into their first year. Shortly before the Fortyear festival in 1463, the infant went missing.  Infants were preyed on by animals and monsters alike in those days, and they thought the child lost until she was found unharmed after the Fortyear Festival.   Unbeknownst to them, Lendi had been the victim of Bergatha's hag ritual, and had been replaced with a Hagborn child. Lendi grew up to be a troubled and mischievous child, but was well liked by her cousin, Flynndak Greenvalley. On her 13th birthday, Ledni the hag awoke, and the Greenvalley family disappeared that very night. The local wisdom was that the family just moved away from a failing farm without telling anyone, but Flynndak always suspected there was more to the story.   In actually, Lendi now a full hag, made a lair under her family farm, and set to work building horrible dolls out of the bodies and bones of whatever she could kill.  She dominated a local bullywug tribe, as well as the tribe of goblins in the Misty woods.  She would encounter the Frostyear Guardians in these mines when they sought to rescue the town's children, and Randal's ward Edward, from being sacrificed to Lendi in the deepest part of the mines.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Despite her wrath and unpredictability, Lendi was the golem crafter of Bergatha's coven, as was responsible for the crafting of both her wicker golems and the cursed scarecrows with which she marked the witches territory.

Vices & Personality flaws

Lendi was, especially by the plotting, malicious standard of hags, simple minded. While presumably she was intelligent enough before awakening at 13, the ritual left her with a childish, but evil mind. She was particularly motivated by rage, and hates anything appealing, beautiful, or touched by strong positive emotions; she once fled in the face of Saleek's Painted Disk an item with extreme emotional value.
Chaotic Evil
Current Status
Presumed Deceased
Date of Birth
26 Silar (8/26/1462)
Date of Death
20 Ches (3/20/1491)
1462 DR 1491 DR 29 years old
Circumstances of Death
Fell into another plane
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Related Reports
Ruled Locations

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