Manah (MAN AH)

Fleshcrafter third class of the 53rd legion of Dis Manah (a.k.a. binder of Ebonsteel)

Former (unwilling) personal assistant to the Neatherese researcher Kuerthyl of Research Station 239. She was encountered by the Frostyear Guardians (see Chapter 9 report) and made an deal with them to free her from her infernal contract with Kuerthyl. Now free to do as she pleases she has been seen lingering around Ardrest and the guardians. Her knowledge of all things arcane and planar make her a valuable resource, even if her morality is highly suspect.

Physical Description

Body Features

Briefly seen while Kuerthyl kept her in his service, her body is that of a beautiful gray skinned humaniod, with red hair and blood red avian wings on her back.  The instant she regained her powers, she covered every bit of her exposed flesh in shards of twisted, bloody iron, which she seems to find preferable and comforting.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

(See Chapter X)   Manah was summoned to the mortal plane over 2,000 years ago* by the Ilyrian scholar Kuerthyl to aid in his research - a perfectly normal thing in to do in Neatherese imagination. He took away her armor and bound her to serve him until the end of his life, which wouldn't have been a problem if as a biproduct of the Fall of the Neatherese his lab had not been set adrift in the elemental plane of earth and he had not magically sealed himself in a time bubble. He had been conducting research into the fusing of souls and the prolonging of life through necromancy, when his experiment the Mire of Souls broke free. He sealed himself in a bubble of magically altered time and awaited rescue.   Manah was left to tend the lab in the middle of a necromantic outbreak. Things weren't bad a first. Sure the screaming and dying got annoying, but it quieted down soon enough. And Manah was alone... for over 726,715 days (she admits she stopped counting a bit in the middle), her only company the continually reanimating bones of the Ilyrians in the lab. Then some Lost Finger cultists breached the lab. Manah found them quite rude, but enjoyed killing them all mercilessly. Then came the guardians and in them she saw promise. She offered to seal off the pocket realm of the lab, and thus stop it from leaking corruption into the material world, if they would do her the favor of killing Kuerthyl.   Though the heroes were reluctant to make a deal with a literal devil, Kuerthyl turned out to be even worse, and after disposing of him and his experiments, Manah allowed the heroes to plunder the lab's vaults before returning with the to Ardrest.   There she found an interest in the goals of Kenris one that would quickly lead to a devastating explosion, the destruction of the paladin's aasimar body, and binding of his soul to an automation construct. "Lab accidents happen" quoteth the devil. Seperately, Darian also tricked the devil into giving him her true name. A clever move, though she reminded him, with apparent amusement, that he gave himself no particular protection against her.   Currently the devil, though largely staying invisible, has been seen to linger around Ardrest and the Guardians. It is assumed her continued presence is nefarious in some way, but overall she seems amused and cheerful for distinctly evil planar entity.

Gender Identity

Manah has a self identified herself as an intellectual concept personified into a female humanoid body. It is generally unclear what she meant by this.


As a devil she had no sense of taboo related to sex. In fact, she finds it almost as enjoyable as combat and murder. She also spent over 2000 years with her only source of interaction being bones that refused to stay dead.


The fiend's knowledge of magic and arcane technology is extremely and impressive and practical. Her morality and outlook on reality are very questionable from a mortal perspective. She has a wealth of knowledge, but being fiendish in nature, is not likely to give it up without a reason.

Mental Trauma

Manah spent a self reported 726,715 days in isolation as a result of her contract with Kuerthyl. By her own admission she went a little crazy, but she claims she got over it. This implies her behavior is normal for fiends.

Personality Characteristics


Though the fiend has expressed that she has a need to return to the hells, her actions do not seem to indicate any particular haste. She seems to be enjoying her newfound freedom on the material plane.

Alternate Art

Divine Classification
Fiend, devil, erinyes
Lawful Evil
Self identified intellectual concept
Other Affiliations


* if Manah's math is to be believed this would put her summoning at minimum 1,500 years after the Fall of the Neatherese. It can logically be assumed she served Kuerthyl for sometime before the lab being sealed, but it raises the question of just how long Ilyrians lived or (more likely) just how long she "went mad" for.


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