Rakhnid (RA KA NID)

The first Rakhnid settlers are said to have been descended from the mysterious "sea peoples" (modern thought places this as a appellation for the Nordmen or that the Nordmen descended from this group) who settled in the icy Rakhnid Peninsula in northern Jessia. The relative isolation of their northern home means that the Rakhnid culture is unique and while primetive in some eyes is the most traditionally human of cultures on Sanzeia.   Notably Rakhnid humans traditionally practice Ashan Shamanism though those that have moved into major cities have been known to adopt the traditional Sanzeia pantheon - though there is some debate as to if this is a matter of fitting the Ashan spirits into the divine pantheon or vice versa.

Naming Traditions

Other names

Most Rakhnid humans have two names: a birthname - normally considered told to the parents or a shaman by the spirts - and an earned name as the result of some accomplishment. Rakhnid will typically only share their birth name with those close to them, and some of the most successful might collect more than one earned name. Earned names typically reflect the deed they were earned though, but are chosen by the person and may not be obvious to outsiders; e.g. a Rakhnid might name himself "sunlight" after the sunlight he saw after successfully hunting a fierce wolf rather than something more traditional like "wolfslayer." Rakhnid humans often love to tell the story of how they earned their names.


Common Dress code

Traditional Rakhnid clothing involved multiple layers of furs (mostly taken from the native gluvox, but decorated with additional furs to commentate victorious hunts).  As Rakhnid humans have moved further south into warmer lands and polite society, they have begun to dress more in keeping with the local style, but still accentuate their outfits with fur even if purely aesthetically.

Coming of Age Rites

In the past, each member of the tribe (male or female) was expected to prove their adulthood by bringing back a gift to the group, normally a successful hunt. With Rakhnid integration into elven society, this practice has morphed into much longer and far ranging searches, with many Rakhnid returning to their tribes years later or not at all. Still it is only after the accomplishment of some great feat that a Rakhnid human is said to have earned their adult name.


Beauty Ideals

While the average Rakhnid person has dark hair and eyes, the native Gluvox makes up a vital part of their life and tribal identities. Children born with white, silver, or blonde hair resembling the animal are said to be particularly blessed. The attraction to pale hair is said to have eased the human's integration into Moon Elf society.

Major organizations

Most Rakhnid humans can be found having been integrated into Yvalian society or living traditionally within the Tribes of Asha.
Ashan Shaman.jpg
Traditional Ashan (Rakhnid) shaman
Encompassed species
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