Gluvox (GLUE VOX)

One of the sacred beasts for the Ashan peoples, the gluvox is the main beast of burden in the far north and forms a vital part of the Rakhnid diet and economy. Used primarily for its fur and milk, the gluvox is also considered a symbol of strength, resilience, and adaptability for the people of the north.   The beast is so central to Ashan culture that it has effected both social and religious standards for its people. Rakhnid humans find pale hair exceptionally attractive, and their most powerful god, Unichue is described as having the horns of a gluvox.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Gluvox shed their horns on an annual or semiannual basis, these are repurposed into variety of items both functional (such as drinking horns) and decorative (though rarely actually worn, ceremonial headdresses often are decorated with horns, particularly by Shamans).

Dietary Needs and Habits

Their diet consists mostly of grains and the sparse grasses that will grow in the cold of the far north, but the animals are more that willing to devour any meat they can catch. Rakhnid headers report a fondness for the the meat of the artic wolves.


Generally placid, the gluvox is unfazed by the presence of most anything smaller than it, and that includes humans. When threatened or defending its territory, both males and females of the species possess goring horns and hooves that can crush a man in a single blow.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Gluvox fur is highly prized for its light color, softness, and ability to retain heat. Rakhnid weavers weave the fur into most all of their clothing, and often mix it with other textiles or leathers. The gluvox is also prized for its milk. While rare, as a single beast is far more valuable alive than dead, the gluvox is also used for its meat, leather, and bones.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Native to the Rakhnid Peninsula with the integration of the Ashan tribes into the Moon Elf Empire these beasts of burden have been seen further south, and even a few were brought to Carentress in the Yvalian invasion.

Average Intelligence

In their herds, wild gluvox show considerable ability to position themselves so as to avoid their predators, and have even been observed using icy ravines to form a sort of defensive phalanx to deter larger predators. Domestic gluvox tend to be responsive to their handlers, but any attempt to teach tricks have met with failure. An Ashan herder explained this as "they understand you, they just don't care for your ideas."
20 to 30 years
Average Height
5' (1.5 m) at shoulder
Average Weight
600 lbs (272 kg) to 1000 lbs (454 kg)
Average Length
8' (2.4 m) to 10' (3 m)
Geographic Distribution


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