
Diligence, the sword and shield of the realm. The massive walled city represents the might of Saol. Ruled by a Lord-Commander, the city produces the finest warriors and competitors of the world. Home of The Saolan Games.


A militaristic society with little emphasis placed on magic or the arts. Many of the smaller or more magically inclined tend to avoid settling in Diligence. As such you will not see many gnomes, halflings or creatures of the fey realm, with of course the rare exception. You will however see a plethora of orcs, dwarves, goliaths and races famed for their physical prowess. Their main god is Victus (The Guardian) - God of War, Honor and Justice. The city is close to the pseudo-element of light.


Diligence is a militaristic society ruled by a Lord-Commander who also doubles as the highest position in the Diligent Army. The Lord-Commander serves for life or until they are too weak to carry the Mantle of Diligence, a 120 lb. Great Sword. The current Lord Commander is Agrippa Markaryan, who also happens to be a four time Grand Champion of The Saolan Games. Although there is rarely familial relation between Lord-Commanders, outside of Serenity and their actual Queen; Diligence is the closest of the capitals to a monarchy. All aspects of society fall directly beneath the Lord-Commander. Although special task forces exist, nearly all guards and state police are members of the Diligent Army.

Social Hierarchy

The paramount tenet of the God of War Victus, is that the strong must protect the weak. In Diligent society you are formally labeled one or the other. The strong - those that complete 8 years of service in the Diligent military and can complete The Trials once every decade are considered Citizens. The weak - those that choose to leave the military early or do not have the physical prowess to complete The Trials are considered Civilians. It is inherent in the moral code of all peoples, that is the responsibility of the Citizens to protect the Civilians with their lives. Citizens are also treated to all of the privileges of society, while Civilians are restricted to certain areas, may not purchase certain properties, etc.

The Trials

Every ten years, each citizen of Diligence must report to The Stormfury Citadel for physical exam known as The Trials. This course of obstacles and mock combats test each citizens strength and ensure they are capable of protecting the weak of Diligence. Citizens who are no longer able to complete The Trials are honorable demoted to civilians. There is a respect for those that live their lives as citizens and enter their twilight years with earn civilianship.


On an open field, the standing army of Diligence is the single most fearsome in the world and likely to have no competitor. The Diligent are born in a militaristic society and begin training at a young age. Following the path of Victus they are told it is imperative for the strong to protect the weak. There are three arms of the Diligent Army - The City Guardians, the true standing army of Diligence overseen directly by High-Commander Orix Razormane; The Diligent Fleet, overseen by Admiral Nero Kane; and the Diligent Outriders overseen by Neruya Athuseus. An unofficial arm of the army is the Imperial Guard, overseen by the Grand Marshall, Gustav Caldor.


The Coliseum of Titans

The people of Diligence pride themselves on order, and the city is arranged as such. Diligence has three districts considered to be The Pillars of the city. They represent the mind, the body, the spirit. The first of the pillars, is The Coliseum of Titans, or The Spirit of Diligence. The home of The Saolan Games since the founding of Diligence has become a world famous landmark and the top tourism site in the city. So much so that an entire district has been dedicated to its support. While there are a few homes, the district is mainly commercial with venues for entertainment, indulgence and of course, arenas. The city of Diligence does not lean heavily into trade and as such relies on this commerce for income.

The Akropolis

The Mind of Diligence and the second pillar is known as The Akropolis. The seat of government for the city, all buildings related to statecraft and the district that homes the cities elite. The capitol building, aptly named The Aggron Arena is one the few places in the city that encourages debate settled with words over violence but that is not always promised. There is a smaller strip of incredibly high end shops in this area as well. This district also welcomes in the gardens and beauty of the natural world, as it is the highest point in Diligence, the higher altitude homes some of the most elite gymnasiums and training facilities.

The Stormfury Citadel

The third and final pillar, and the Body of Diligence is the Stormfury Citadel. The citadel is the headquarters for all branches of the Diligent Army as well as the home of The Trials. The citadel and the surrounding neighborhoods provide housing for all citizens. It is also here that citizens who complete their 8 years of service generally find employment. Not necessarily a tourist destination, the Stormyfury Citadel also considers itself the Heart of Diligence. Local bars and arenas of entertainment are found throughout that cater specifically to the Diligent citizens.

Central Diligence and outlying districts

Within the walls of Diligence but outside of the three pillars lies Central Diligence. The largest district is home to all Diligent civilians as they are barred from owning property in the remaining districts. This district appears on the surface like any other city, many from outside of Diligence seek protection here under the safety and scrutiny of the Diligent military. Taverns and inns are plentiful as the frequent adventurer who visits the city will usually come through the Central city first. A mostly happy peoples, the topic of whether they are being protected or subjugated is often discussed but as long as the have the freedom to leave, the former usually wins.

Guilds and Factions

The Temple of Victus

The Diligent have a different interpretation of the word 'temple' than most of Saol. The Temple of Victus in Diligence in truth is a massive gymnasium and combat arena. There are a few small areas put aside for quiet contemplation, but those who come to worship do so by sharpening their minds, hardening their bodies and then testing their combat against other followers. The temple is also open not only to the citizens of Diligence but any who wish to come pay homage to the God of War. Although to enter the temple proper, the priests and clerics will challenge foreigners in combat. None are required to win, simply to fight.

The Orators Guild

Many members of the Diligent government are members of the Orators Guild. The intellectual arm of the bureaucracy, a collective who believes in words before violence. While most citizens disagree with this notion, there is an understanding for the importance of their existence. In this guild also exists one of the few magically inclined places in Dilligence as the bards of the guild find power in the spoken word.

A Place for Heroes

The headquarters for two of the major guilds of Saol both reside in Diligence. The The Fighters Guild and the The Order of Adventurers. Diligence prides itself on housing the greatest warriors in the land and the most dangerous bounty boards to match. Citizens who no longer serve in the Diligent Army are also free to join many of the government sponsofed mercenary crews that operate out of the city.  

The Saolan Games

Every 7 years the nations of Saol send their strongest and most skilled to the city of Dilligence for The Saolan Games. A series of friendly competitions to determine the greatest athletes of the world. The current President of the Games is a former Bronze Cup Champion and the only gnomish cup winner in Saolan history, Crash Thunderbold.


Once every 7 years, competitors from across the world make a pilgrimage to the Coliseum of Titans to test their mettle in The Games. The Games last one month and are split into three weeks of competition with small breaks in between. The first week is the Team Games, groups of thirty usually representing a nation or city fight in simulated battles and field games. The dwarves of Ironside have recently been the team to beat in this area. The second week are Party Games, adventuring parties of five to seven set off on challenges typical of adventurers to prove their skill. The last week is the Spirit Games, where competitors face each other one on one, or in individually ranked competitions.


There are five titles one can achieve from competing in The Saolan Games. Competitors who place in the top one-hundred combatants are known as Saolan Competitors. The third ranked combatant is granted the title of Bronze Cup Champion. The second ranked is the Silver Cup Champion and the first ranked is the Gold Cup Champion. Champions who achieve the gold cup three times in their lifetimes are granted the title of Supreme Champion. Two beings have achieved this title in the history of Diligence, a mysterious wanderer over 200 years ago called only 'Ruin' and the current Lord-Commander of Diligence, Agrippa Markaryan.
Alternative Name(s)
The Blade of Saol
Inhabitant Demonym
Humans, elves, dwarves, halforcs, Goliath and any who would call themselves mighty.


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