Bella Farly Character in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Bella Farly

Bella Farly (a.k.a. Crazy)

Bella Farly, a native of Tutendorf, Capital of Enzkland and co-ruler of the city alongside her girlfriend Kim Sason, has spent her entire life within the city's boundaries. Orphaned at a young age, Bella was left to fend for herself, resulting in her developing a more violent and aggressive nature than most. This upbringing shaped her into the fierce and berserk sword fighter she is today. Bella and Kim's paths crossed on the streets when Kim was 18 and Bella was 19. They were instantly drawn to each other, forming a strong and complementary bond. Together, they have become a formidable couple, utilizing their individual strengths to compensate for each other's weaknesses. Bella's raw physical power and combat prowess complement Kim's strategic intellect, forming a potent partnership. In battle, Bella wields two long blades, resembling knives, which she wields with deadly precision and ferocity. Her proficiency with these weapons is legendary within Tutendorf, as she dispatches foes with lightning-fast strikes and displays remarkable agility in combat. Bella's unyielding determination and fearlessness make her a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Bella's body serves as a canvas for traditional tribe-like tattoos, each marking symbolizing significant events or milestones in her life. These intricate and meaningful designs tell the story of her journey and serve as a visual representation of her identity within Tutendorf. The tattoos further accentuate her intimidating presence and add to her aura of strength and resilience. While Bella's aggressive nature is a defining characteristic, her loyalty to Kim and the city they co-rule is unwavering. She fiercely protects Tutendorf and will do whatever it takes to maintain the anarchic environment they have cultivated. Bella's intense devotion to their shared vision drives her actions and fuels her unyielding commitment to their reign. Though she has never left Tutendorf, Bella has mastered the art of combat, honing her skills within the boundaries of the city. Her proficiency in swordplay and her reputation as a fearsome warrior are well-known throughout Tutendorf. Bella's tenacity and ferocity make her a respected figure among the city's inhabitants and strike fear into the hearts of their enemies. Bella Farly's presence alongside Kim Sason ensures that the co-rulers of Tutendorf possess a lethal combination of strategic brilliance and unmatched physical prowess. Their partnership has solidified their control over the city, allowing Bella's aggressive nature and combat skills to complement Kim's intellectual cunning. Together, they maintain the chaos and lawlessness that defines Tutendorf, asserting their dominance over the city they call home.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Bella is in exceptional physical condition, honed by years of surviving the dangers of Tutendorf. Her agile and muscular physique allows her to excel in combat, combining strength, speed, and precision in her swordplay. Bella's relentless training and her natural physical abilities contribute to her prowess as a fearsome warrior.

Apparel & Accessories

Bella's attire reflects her aggressive nature and practicality. She opts for lightweight, flexible garments that allow for ease of movement during combat. Additionally, she may wear protective armor or leather components to enhance her defensive capabilities. As an expression of her individuality, Bella may adorn herself with various tribal-inspired accessories that accentuate her combat persona.

Specialized Equipment

Bella's primary weapons are two long knife-like blades, which she wields with exceptional skill and ferocity. These blades are extensions of her body, reflecting her aggressive fighting style and lethal precision. Bella's mastery of her specialized weapons sets her apart in combat, making her a formidable adversary.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bella's personal history is rooted in the tragedy of losing her parents at a young age and being left to navigate the harsh streets of Tutendorf alone. Her experiences as an orphan and her subsequent rise to power alongside Kim have shaped her into the formidable co-ruler she is today. The specifics of her personal history remain mostly unknown to outsiders.


Bella Farly's sexuality aligns with her romantic relationship with Kim Sason. While additional details about her sexual preferences are not widely known, her deep connection with Kim demonstrates her commitment and emotional bond within their partnership.


Bella's education is primarily acquired through her experiences on the streets of Tutendorf . Growing up as an orphan, she learned to navigate the city's treacherous environment and developed street smarts and survival skills. Bella's education is rooted in real-world situations and the challenges she faced in order to survive.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Bella's greatest accomplishment thus far is her rise to power as a co-ruler of Tutendorf alongside Kim Sason. Together, they orchestrated the assassination of Warden Bentley, taking control of the city and solidifying their reign. Bella's exceptional combat skills and her ability to thrive in the chaotic environment of Tutendorf have contributed to her success.

Failures & Embarrassments

While Bella has achieved significant accomplishments, she may have faced failures and embarrassments along her journey. These moments might include instances where her aggression or impulsive nature led to unfavorable outcomes or situations where she misjudged certain risks. Despite these setbacks, Bella's determination and resilience drive her forward.

Mental Trauma

Bella's upbringing as an orphan and her struggle to survive on the streets of Tutendorf have likely left lasting mental scars. The constant need to defend herself and the loss of her parents at a young age have shaped her aggressive nature and fierce demeanor. The details of her personal traumas remain locked within her memories, driving her actions and motivations.

Intellectual Characteristics

While Bella may not possess the same level of intellectual prowess as Kim, she exhibits remarkable adaptability and keen instincts. Bella's sharp intuition allows her to make split-second decisions in combat and effectively assess dangerous situations. She relies on her practical intelligence and combat experience to navigate the chaotic landscape of Tutendorf.

Morality & Philosophy

Bella embraces a morally ambiguous stance, finding little value in traditional notions of right and wrong. She revels in the chaos and anarchy of Tutendorf and actively encourages the lawlessness that pervades the city. Bella's philosophy revolves around survival, power, and maintaining control over the environment they have created.

Personality Characteristics


Bella's motivations are closely aligned with her thirst for power and control. She seeks to maintain and solidify her rule alongside Kim, ensuring Tutendorf remains a lawless and anarchic domain. Her aggressive nature and desire for dominance drive her actions as she strives to become a figure of fear and respect within Sarazi.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Bella excels in close-quarters combat, utilizing her physical strength, agility, and fierce determination to overpower her opponents. Her instincts and quick reflexes make her adept at adapting to unpredictable situations. However, she may struggle with more subtle tactics or long-term planning, relying more on her brute force and direct approach.

Virtues & Personality perks

Despite her aggressive nature and encouragement of chaos, Bella possesses a sense of loyalty and devotion to those she holds dear. Her commitment to Kim demonstrates a compassionate side to her otherwise fierce persona. Bella's virtues, though limited, provide glimpses of her capacity for empathy and protective instincts.

Vices & Personality flaws

Bella's love for chaos and her tendency to make choices purely for the sake of creating havoc can be considered a significant flaw. Her impulsive nature may lead to reckless decisions that disregard long-term consequences. Bella's relentless pursuit of power and control can blind her to potential pitfalls or alternative approaches.


Despite the harsh conditions of Tutendorf, Bella maintains a reasonable level of personal hygiene. Her training and combat-focused lifestyle require her to be disciplined and clean. While not obsessively preoccupied with cleanliness, she values personal grooming and cleanliness as much as her surroundings permit.



Bella Farly holds the title of co-ruler of Tutendorf alongside Kim Sason. Their reign began with the successful overthrow of Warden Bentley, and their ongoing control over the city ensures their continued influence over its chaotic environment.

Social Aptitude

Bella possesses a commanding presence and exudes confidence in social interactions. While she may not possess the same level of charisma as Kim, Bella's fierceness and reputation make her a respected figure within Tutendorf. Her extroverted nature allows her to navigate social situations with assertiveness and make her presence known.


Bella's mannerisms reflect her aggression and combat training. She moves with a deliberate and controlled grace, her body language exuding confidence and readiness for battle. Bella's speech may be direct and assertive, with an underlying intensity that reflects her no-nonsense attitude.


Kim Sason

Girlfriend (Important)

Towards Bella Farly



Bella Farly

Girlfriend (Vital)

Towards Kim Sason




Kim Sason  met Bella Farly on the streets when Kim was 18 and Bella was 19. They were instantly attracted to each other and since then have become a strong couple, improving the weaknesses of each other with their strengths

Relationship Reasoning

Love & Power

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Overtaking Tutendorf

Dark Blue
Long Silverish blue, brought to a braid.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 6"
Known Languages
Bella is proficient in Common, the primary language spoken in Sarazi. Additionally, she may have some knowledge of other languages common to the region, such as Elvish or Goblin, allowing her to communicate with a broader range of individuals within Tutendorf.


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