Kim Sason Character in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Kim Sason

Kim Elwen Sason (a.k.a. KES)

Kim Sason is the current co-ruler of Tutendorf, she was born in this city and took overrule with her partner Bella Farly when she was only 19. Since she was a child Kim had always been much more intelligent than everyone else she knew and as she began to age she decided that she would rule this city as soon as she could. Her family was among the common poverty level in Tutendorf, stealing most of what they needed and still only barely making it by. It was when she turned 18 she met Bella Farly, and together with her intellect and Bella’s ruthlessness they killed Warden Bentley and took rule of Tutendorf for themselves, driving this city deeper into chaos.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kes has honed her physical abilities and is exceptionally fit and agile. Through rigorous training, she has developed exceptional swordplay skills, making her one of the swiftest and most formidable combatants in Tutendorf. Her physical prowess complements her formidable intellect.

Apparel & Accessories

Kes is highly selective when it comes to her attire, preferring to create her own garments. She meticulously crafts her apparel, ensuring it aligns with her personal aesthetic. Kes's unique style sets her apart, as she favors attire she has personally designed and made

Specialized Equipment

Kes wields two swords with both sheaths worn on her left hip. The two swords are identical however one of them is fabled to be magically intensified from becoming drenched in the blood of a Creature of the Deep However this is just a myth and Kim herself has said that she had never been outside of the walls of Tutendorf, suggesting that this myth is unfounded and merely serves as a tale of legend.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kes's personal history is intertwined with the impoverished conditions of Tutendorf. Her early years were marked by extreme poverty, familial abandonment, and the subsequent harrowing experiences she endured. After seizing control of Tutendorf alongside Bella, Kes has become an enigmatic figure, keeping her past closely guarded.


Kim Sason, commonly known as Kes, is romantically involved with her girlfriend Bella. While her sexual preferences beyond this are not widely known, Kes is known for her strong bond and partnership with Bella, which fuels their co-rule over Tutendorf.


Kes's education is primarily self-taught and acquired through her voracious appetite for knowledge. Her exceptional intellect allows her to absorb information quickly and apply it effectively. She actively seeks out individuals who possess specialized knowledge and engages in conversations, learning from them and expanding her understanding of various subjects.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Kes's most significant accomplishment thus far has been the successful assassination of Warden Bentley and her subsequent takeover of Tutendorf This audacious act showcased her strategic planning, intelligence, and willingness to take risks. With Bella's partnership, she established herself as one of the ruling forces, driving the city deeper into chaos under their rule.

Failures & Embarrassments

While Kes has achieved notable successes, her earlier years were marked by a deeply traumatic experience. Born into extreme poverty in Tutendorf, Capital of Enzkland , Kes's parents expected her to engage in theft and robbery at a very young age. However, her inability to fulfill these expectations led her parents to sell her off to the first interested party. The years that followed were filled with darkness and suffering, a period Kes keeps guarded within her memories.

Mental Trauma

Although the level of poverty she was born into in Tutendorf was common, in most other places in the world this level would be considered quite a dirt poor. This caused her parents to expect her to be able to steal and rob at a very young age, but because she couldn't do these things as a small child her parents instead sold her off to the first person who asked. These experiences have shaped her worldview, contributing to her drive for power and control.

Intellectual Characteristics

Kes has a mind of wonders, although in her younger years she was considered weak because of her lack of physical abilities she made up for this twenty-fold with her mental status. Every move she makes is calculated five times prior and it almost seems like every single move the citizens of her town make has been influenced and predetermined by her. Kes's mind is a wellspring of creativity, strategy, and a keen understanding of human behavior.

Morality & Philosophy

Kim Elwen Sason has very few morals in general and even encourages the stealing killing and chaos that takes place throughout all of Tutendorf. If anything she sees it as her and Bella's responsibility to keep this city the way it is. Their rule allows Kes to exert her dominance and maintain control over the city, as she believes this is the only way to keep Tutendorf true to its nature.

Personality Characteristics


Kes's primary motivation revolves around power, control, and the desire to become the most influential woman Sarazi has ever known. She yearns to establish an unmatched legacy and leave an indelible mark on the world.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Kes excels in orchestrating chaos and capitalizing on her intellectual prowess to manipulate situations to her advantage. However, her propensity for deliberately making choices that worsen circumstances, solely for the sake of creating chaos, reveals a significant flaw in her decision-making.

Virtues & Personality perks

Even though Kim encourages the chaos, crime, and anarchy in Tutendorf. She has a surprising amount of care for female children. Her own childhood horrors likely contribute to this unexpected virtue, as she endeavors to protect and provide for young girls within the city's lawless environment.

Vices & Personality flaws

Kes has an insatiable thirst for chaos and anarchy. Despite her exceptional intelligence, she has a penchant for making choices that deliberately exacerbate situations, purely for the sake of creating havoc and furthering the disorder she so ardently embraces.


Despite the challenging conditions of Tutendorf. Kes maintains an exceptional level of personal hygiene. She values cleanliness and takes great care to ensure her appearance and surroundings remain immaculate, a stark contrast to the chaotic environment she perpetuates.



Kes, also known as Kes Sason, holds the title of co-ruler of Tutendorf alongside Bella Farly. Their reign began when Kes was 19 years old and has continued ever since, leaving an indelible mark on the city's history and further solidifying their rule.

Social Aptitude

Kes possesses a charismatic aura, exuding confidence and ego in her interactions. Her extroverted nature allows her to command attention and navigate social situations with ease. She maintains a level of etiquette and mannerisms befitting her position of power.


Kes's mannerisms reflect her authority and self-assuredness. She carries herself with a deliberate and calculated grace, employing confident gestures and commanding speech. Her actions exhibit an air of superiority and control, leaving an impression of power on those around her.


Kim Sason

Girlfriend (Important)

Towards Bella Farly



Bella Farly

Girlfriend (Vital)

Towards Kim Sason




Kim Sason  met Bella Farly on the streets when Kim was 18 and Bella was 19. They were instantly attracted to each other and since then have become a strong couple, improving the weaknesses of each other with their strengths

Relationship Reasoning

Love & Power

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Overtaking Tutendorf

Current Residence
Typically tied into a pony tail, Long Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 8"
Quotes & Catchphrases
“The only thing the people will remember about you is how you tasted”
Known Languages
Kes is a linguistically skilled individual, fluent in Common, Elvish, Goblin, Undercommon, and Deep Speech. Her command of multiple languages allows her to communicate with various races and beings, enabling her to navigate different spheres of influence within Sarazi.

Character Portrait image: by JY2Soft (Dongho Kang)


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