Tutendorf, Capital of Enzkland Settlement in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Tutendorf, Capital of Enzkland

Tutendorf Is the capital of Enzkland and one of the only cities in the country. This city has no real law or rules and is a place of thievery and chaos. Kim Sason and Bella Farly are the co-rulers of this city and perpetuate the anarchy and chaos that this city is known for. Its large outer walls and fortified inner walls make it one of the only safe locations throughout all of Enzkland. However, getting there can be an impossible task in itself.


Tutendorf operates under a volatile and unstable system of governance. Kim Sason and Bella Farly, as the co-rulers, hold absolute power and make all decisions pertaining to the city. Their rule is characterized by arbitrary choices, favoritism, and the constant perpetuation of anarchy and chaos. There are no formal laws or regulations in place, and the city's inhabitants are subject to the unpredictable whims of the rulers. Dissent is met with swift and severe punishment, reinforcing the oppressive nature of their government.


Tutendorf's defenses are centered around its formidable walls, both the large outer walls and the reinforced inner walls of the Citadel. These barriers protect the city's inhabitants from external threats, such as wandering creatures of the deep. The walls are patrolled by guards loyal to Kim Sason and Bella Farly, maintaining a semblance of order within the confines of the city.

Industry & Trade

Tutendorf sustains itself through a combination of trade, commerce, and illicit activities. While some legitimate trade occurs within the Market District, the city's economy relies heavily on stealing and thievery. These illegal activities have become deeply ingrained in the city's culture, perpetuated by the rule of Kim Sason and Bella Farly.


Despite the lawlessness, Tutendorf boasts impressive infrastructure that was built to endure. When the city was first constructed, careful consideration was given to its longevity and sturdiness. The buildings are predominantly constructed with sturdy stone and reinforced with wooden beams, ensuring their resilience against the harsh conditions of Enzkland. Despite the lack of order within the city, the infrastructure itself remains largely intact, a testament to the craftsmanship of its original builders.


Tutendorf is informally divided into various districts, each with its own characteristics and sub-divisions of power. One district that welcomes wanderers and outsiders, albeit with caution and very rarely, is the Market District. Here, a semblance of commerce and trade thrives, albeit overshadowed by theft and thievery. Other districts include the Slums, where the city's most destitute and marginalized inhabitants reside, and the Citadel, which serves as the central stronghold and residence of Kim Sason and Bella Farly.


The city's main assets lie in its strategic location within Enzkland and its well-fortified walls. Tutendorf serves as a refuge for those seeking safety from the dangers of the wasteland. Additionally, the city's inhabitants, driven by necessity and desperation, possess a resourcefulness and cunning that enables them to survive in such harsh conditions.


Tutendorf's history is intertwined with the broader narrative of Enzkland. Once a thriving and prosperous city, it fell into ruin and lawlessness following the War of Horrors. With the absence of a strong central authority, Tutendorf became a magnet for those seeking refuge but also those willing to exploit its anarchy.


Tourism is exceedingly rare in this city. Very few people ever enter from the outside world and even less ever leave afterword's. Because this city is located in the middle of Enzkland the fear of wandering Creatures of the Deep dissuades outsiders from exploring its treacherous lands.


Tutendorf's architecture reflects its tumultuous history and the need for durability. The buildings predominantly feature sturdy stone walls, reinforced with wooden beams. The structures are practical and utilitarian, lacking ornate or decorative elements. Rather than focusing on aesthetics, the priority lies in fortification and withstanding the harsh conditions of Enzkland.

Natural Resources

Tutendorf possesses limited natural resources within its confines. The city's small farming portion relies on a natural spring to irrigate the crops. However, due to the inhospitable nature of the wasteland, agricultural activities are challenging, and the city heavily relies on trade and theft for sustenance.
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