Degioma Settlement in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Degioma, situated below Deto in the center-south-east of Naria , is a large village primarily composed of members from DretKag's horde. It serves as a training ground for new recruits and a residence for horde members. Degioma plays a crucial role in bolstering the strength of DretKag's forces.


Degiomais a large village primarily composed of members of DretKag's horde. New recruits and veteran members coexist, creating a unique blend of cultures and traditions.

Industry & Trade

Degioma's economy revolves around training new members for DretKag's horde. Additionally, the village produces some basic goods, such as weapons and armor, to support the horde's needs.


Degioma boasts training grounds, armories, and living quarters for the members of DretKag's Horde. The village is designed with secrecy and security in mind, making it an ideal training and resting place.


Degioma's main assets lie in the strength and skill of its inhabitants. The village serves as the primary training ground for new recruits, and its warriors are renowned for their combat prowess.


Degioma's history is intertwined with DretKag's rise to power. Once a small village, it transformed into a training ground and residence for the feared members of the Silent Blade.

Points of interest

The training grounds of Degioma are a sight to behold, with seasoned warriors guiding new recruits through rigorous exercises and combat drills.


Degioma is located in the center-southeast of Naria, nestled amidst rocky outcrops and challenging terrain. It offers natural protection, making it a secure location for training and strategizing.

Natural Resources

Degioma's natural resources include the rocky terrain, which provides ample opportunities for tactical training and camouflage.

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