Deto Settlement in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Deto, a medium-sized orc village in the center-east of Naria , is renowned for its vast farmlands and bountiful crops. The village contributes its harvests as tribute to DretKag, the ruler of Naria, sustaining a positive relationship with the powerful horde.


Deto is primarily populated by orcs and half-orcs who are skilled in agriculture and animal husbandry. The village has a strong sense of community, with everyone contributing to the well-being of the settlement.

Industry & Trade

Agriculture is the primary industry in Deto. The village produces an array of crops and livestock, and their surplus is traded with neighboring settlements.


Deto boasts well-constructed farms, barns, and storage facilities. The village also has a central gathering area where villagers convene for celebrations and important discussions.


The main assets of Deto are its abundant farmlands, crops, and livestock. The village's produce serves as a source of tribute for DretKag's Horde


Deto's history is rooted in the peaceful coexistence of the orc and half-orc inhabitants. The village has been providing tribute to DretKag's horde for generations, leading to a stable and amicable relationship.

Points of interest

The central gathering area in Deto hosts festivals and ceremonies that celebrate the village's unity and dedication to their way of life.


Deto is situated in the center-east of Naria, surrounded by fertile farmlands and gently rolling hills. Freshwater streams run through the village, ensuring a consistent water supply.

Natural Resources

Deto's natural resources include fertile soil, allowing for successful crop cultivation, and access to freshwater streams for irrigation and sustenance.

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