Disciples of Despair Organization in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Disciples of Despair

Divine Origins

The Disciples of Despair was formed after Daeos, the God of Despair appeared in Enzkland in his true form and blessed the new Disciples that witnessed him with powerful treasures and commanded them to fulfill his will. These people formed the Disciples of Despair and began to worship and sacrifice for Daeos

Tenets of Faith

The Disciples of Despair follow a brief but strict set of beliefs. They believe that the world needs to be turned to chaos and anarchy, that the ones who have always known safety and hope need to have it stripped from them, that death must be long and gruesome, and that there is no sacrifice too great for The God of Despair.


The Disciples of Despair display their loyalty and worship Daeos, the God of Despair by flaying creatures and people alike living in his name, and by devoting their lives and actions to his cause.

Granted Divine Powers

Daeos, the God of Despair is fabled to have given The Disciples and others powerful rewards after causing chaos and destruction, weather they did it in his name or not.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Disciples of Despair are mainly located in Tutendorf and are rumored to play a part in the leadership of this city. However, it was also believed that many of the original disciples were sent out and now hold high positions in other countries leadership.
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Children of the Bloody Moon


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