Elysirian, The Mountain’s Midnight Goddess Character in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Elysirian, The Mountain’s Midnight Goddess (Ely-sir-Ian)

Elysirian, The Mountain’s Midnight Goddess is a Demoness with no loyalty to anyone or anything. It is said she was granted Immortal life when her necromancer coven was slaughtered by invading dwarves. Currently, she is mainly worshiped by her cult Elysirian's Midnight Mass, and very few individuals outside of this group see Elysirian as a deity worthy of worship, or even believe in the outlandish tales behind her ascension to DemonHood. It is rumored she wanders the land in her human form but nothing has ever confirmed this. Her true form is often depicted in art created by her followers but again this is said to be based on the tales of those who claimed to have seen her during their sadistic rituals.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Elysirian's Symbol is a crescent moon facing towards the sky with a cross-connected to the belly of it.

Tenets of Faith

Through belief, sacrifice, and devotion. Immortality and great power can be achieved.


The first of every month at midnight Elysirian's Midnight Mass is said to gather at The Mountain's Meet and preform sacrifices and other horrific rituals, cursing those who they choose, and all else across the land.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Elysirian was said to have once been a mortal dark elf necromancer who led a group of fellow necromancers through the rough mountainous terrains of what is now known as Methiumia. Originally Elysirian and her coven inhabited this land and practiced their magic in these mountains as their family did for generations before the. One day a colony of dwarves from Old San Montia who were seeking a new home landed upon these shores and started mining these mountains. Eventually, they discovered this coven of necromancers and, disgusted by their dark ways, sought to wipe them out. the dwarves killed many of them without struggle, brutally slaughtering them in the night and using their more advanced weapons to make quick work of most of the coven. In a few short days the dwarves had wiped out most of them, leaving only Elysirian and her seven sisters alive, they were by far the strongest and most gifted of the coven and the only few who gave the dwarves any pushback. However, they knew they had to flee the land if they had any chance of survival, but, because of the mountains bordering Methiumia the only feasible way out was to escape through Mountain's Meet.  During this pilgrimage, they were mercilessly hunted by the dwarves who had slaughtered their brothers and sisters however with Elysirian's familiarity with the land they were able to travel through Methiumia without anyone detecting them. The trouble came when they arrived at Mountain's Meet. Both Elysirian and the dwarves knew that the only way out was through here and thus the dwarves had hidden in the cliffs, waiting for the necromancers to enter the mountains cleaning and ambush them there. When they arrived the dwarves did exactly that, surrounded on all sides Elysirian and her sisters were outnumbered 10 - 1. Weakened through their travels the sisters had no chance of stopping them, in unison Elysirian's sisters pulled out their sacrificial knives and slowly slit their own throats chanting "Tmy odv olyw wudd capy" over and over, while they let spill their own blood. As the crimson blood leaked from their necks it absorbed into Elysirian swelling her with strength. As she lifted her hands the dwarves in front of her raised from the ground, and with the clench of her first, their bodies twisted and mangled themselves in every direction, killing most and making the ones who survived wish they didn't. As these bodies fell to the ground more dwarves came to replace them, the leading officer, wielding a hammer gilded with gold shouted at her "Give up! You're surrounded" Elysirian turned to face him, as her nails grew to daggers, horns erupted through the top of her skull and blood poured over her face, she said with a smile, "All I'm surrounded by is fear, and dead men." when she was done no one was left standing, it is rumored she ate each disposed of dwarf, both living and dead after the battle. and when she was done she ate her sisters too. When there was no flesh left for her to consume she gouged out each of her eyeballs with her fingers until nothing but empty sockets remained, finally she slit her belly open, and as her blood and guts poured out she did the same to her throat all while chanting the words of her sacred blood ritual. Her followers believe that she was born again, reincarnated for her devotion as an all-powerful demoness, inflicting her scorn upon all that wrong her.


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