Elysirian's Midnight Mass Organization in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Elysirian's Midnight Mass

Elysirian's Midnight Mass is a cult, formed behind the belief and worship of Elysirian, The Mountain’s Midnight Goddess, the members of this cult are anonymous to each other, and all else, with anonymity being one of their core principles. They are said to meet the first of each month, at midnight, at the place where their goddess died, Mountain's Meet. This cult is said to practice animal, and human sacrifice alike, not much is known about the followers except that all those that do follow keep it to themselves. They are generally regarded as an evil cult, and those inside it usually hold evil inside of them.


The interworking of the Midnight mass are very unknown to most, with the only concrete piece of information being that it is headed by someone they call "The Mountains Mother".


Elysirian, The Mountain’s Midnight Goddess is worshipped by this cult via sacrifice, prayer, rituals and ceremonies. It is even said that the higher members are given divine visions to which they must fulfill to appease Elysirian, The Mountain’s Midnight Goddess

Granted Divine Powers

The leader of this cult is said to have been granted powers beyond anyone's comprehension, and is rumored to be able to grant others divine powers as well.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Midnight Mass is known to the leaders of Methiumia, Obu, and Laolisa because of some citizens concerns of the group congregating where these counties mountain ranges meet. However no leader has ever done much to stop them.


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