Mountain's Meet Geographic Location in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Mountain's Meet

Mountain's Meet is A Mountain Pass connecting Obu Methiumia, and Laolisa. This Section of the Mountain Side is where the mountain ranges from each area end, offering travelers a section of flat land among the treacherous terrain. It is widely used as this location is the safest mountain pass when traveling in, or out of Methiumia causing it to be the main location of nearly all of Methiumia's trade routes.

Localized Phenomena

Some travelers have reported strange phenomenon when visiting this area after dark near the beginning of each month, such as seeing ghosts, all types of visionary hallucinations and hearing voices in their head, some unlucky few are said to report these symptoms many days after traveling though here at this time. There have also been reports of people going missing when navigating this land after dark on the first of the month. However since the rumors of Elysirian's Midnight Mass converging here during that time only the foolish or ignorant dare brave the pass during these hours.

Fauna & Flora

The plants that grow here and the animals that live here are all very unique in their own right, because of this pass being where three different mountain ranges converge the life here contains a variety of each of them. However among those the Mivia plant also grows here and is said to have originated from this very land.


This is said to be the sport where Elysirian, The Mountain’s Midnight Goddess was hunted down and laid to rest, it is quite common for her followers to congregate here on the first of every month at midnight.
Mountain Pass
Included Organizations


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