Esho Bayo's Royal Guard Military Formation in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Esho Bayo's Royal Guard

Esho Bayo's Royal Guard are some of the most elite fighters across all of Sarazi, each member of this unit has been heavily and intensely trained since they were a small child. and are considered the top of their craft. These Guards are the royal family's personal protectors and follow them into combat whenever the time comes. Very few members have ever died in combat and, for most opponents, when the royal guard is called upon they cower and flee. They are relentless and never show mercy. These are the few members of the Laolian regime that even the people fear.





Each member of the Royal Guard is outfitted with a professionally custom-made weapon, perfect made to enhance their own unique fighting style and skillset.


The Royal Guard commander is Ava Starly, she is considered to be one of the most brutal members but also the most skilled.


After being trained for most of their life the potential members must also fight one another one on one until one is unconscious, they repeat this until only a single member of the recruitment class is left.



The Royal Guard rarely recruits new members, but when they do they only recruit one at a time. The new recruits are highly tested and current members of the Royal Guard even test them themselves before they are granted the honor of joining them.


Historical loyalties

The Royal Guard is loyal to the Bayo Royal family and only them. They do anything they ask and will follow them without question.
Special Forces
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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