Esho Bayo Character in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Esho Bayo

King Esho Bayo (a.k.a. The Setting Sun)

Esho is the King of Laolisa and head of the royal family Bayo. He currently lives in Boubayo and manages the people and affairs of Laolisa. Esho is an experienced military commander and leader, he led the Laolian defense against the raiding parties during the assault on Laolisa, and commanded the retaliation attack afterward. Esho has ruled over Laolisa since his father died when Esho was 21. Under his rule, Laolisa has thrived and consequently, their trade partners have as well. 

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Esho wears a set of dragon bone and ebony plate armor specially made for him by the top blacksmiths throughout Laolisa. and a cape, fabled to be made of dragons wings.

Specialized Equipment

He wields a single black steel curved sword, which he has used since he became king making him extremely proficient with this blade.

Mental characteristics


Esho has had a multitude of sexual partners in the past but currently, he is married to his wife Riyln.


Esho Bayo has lived in Boubayo his whole life and consequently has had the top of the line teachers and trainers, teaching him more than most other nobles even know. because of this he is revered as one of the smartest leaders Laolisa has ever had.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Esho has had many triumphs thought his life and even more during his stint as king. He has made Laolisa rival Arnumia in terms of power and influence. Under his rule this country has thrived and grown more than any other country in Sarazi.

Morality & Philosophy

Esho has a very unique set of morals, when his goal is in sight he abides by the "any means necessary" mentality and is a true believer that the ends always justify the means, even when it comes to the loss of life.

Personality Characteristics


Esho has always wanted to see Laolisa become a titan of a country and has very high ambitions of propelling it far and above all else.

Wealth & Financial state

As the King of Laolisa Esho is quite flushed with funds and has been spending much of them investing deeper into Laolisa's growth.
Current Location
Current Residence
Dark Blue
Long White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 4"
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The only way to truly defeat your enemy is to end their bloodline"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Elvish, Common, Sylvan, Halfling, Undercommon


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