Ava Starly Character in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Ava Starly

Ava Karla Starly (a.k.a. A)

Ava is the commander of Esho Bayo's Royal Guard

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ava is very strong and fast, she can dodge blows while delivering even stronger ones.

Apparel & Accessories

Ava wears her Royal Commander Plate Mail nearly all the time, it was specially made for her by The Grante family after she saved their lives when they were attacked during a meeting with Esho Bayo

Specialized Equipment

Ava wields a longsword in combat, although she has used a longsword her whole life she seems to get a new one every other month.

Mental characteristics


Ava is currently single and has been her whole life, devoting her time to training her skills instead.


Ava has been commander of the Royal Guard for 11 years, before that she was a member of the Royal Guard for 3 years.

Mental Trauma

When Ava was in the final stages of recruitment she was by far the strongest fighter in her class, and as one last test, she was chosen to fight against the second strongest, her sister. Both of them were brought into an arena, knwoing that the winner would be apart of the royal guard. Ava's sister's name was Hailey and she fought with a two-handed ultra greatsword, she was extremely proficient with this weapon and managed to bring all her opponents down with just one strike. Ava however fought with a long sword and used speed and precision to her advantage instead of brute force. For the first few minutes of the battle, neither sister sustained any blows, they clashed swords and dogged attacks, back and forth and back and forth until Hailey managed to bring her sword down on top of Ava, who only barely stopped the blade from hitting her with her longsword. This blow brought Ava to her knees and knocked her sword from her hands. Hailey pointed her sword to Ava's neck and Ava begged her to stop the fight, with a smirk Hailey agreed, lower her sword and turned her back on her sister, but before she could walk away Ava picked up her sword and ran it through her back, Ava then walked out of the arena, the victor.

Intellectual Characteristics

Ava is one of the brightest minds when it comes to battle strategy, although the Royal Guard rarely fights any large wars, Ava plans the best way to execute any encounter, even the most trivial of ones.

Personality Characteristics


To protect Esho Bayo and the Royal family, above all else.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Commander Of The Royal Guard.
Current Residence
Dark Green
long rough black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 0"
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Sylvan, and Abyssal


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