The Esdren family of Obu Organization in Sarazi | World Anvil
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The Esdren family of Obu

The Esdren family is one of the Families of Obu, they produce and sell weaponry of the highest grade. Their steel is unmatched and is greatly feared throughout Sarazi.

Public Agenda

This family is focused on making high tier weaponry and the funds and wealth they gain from it are seen as an extra reward for them


This family rose to power, wealth, and joined the Families of Obu roughly fifty years ago, when the mother and father of the family started their weapon forge at the ages of 25&26. They were quickly discovered as amazing weapon makers and exploded in popularity extremely quick. Now the founding mother and father have passed and the family and forge is run by their three daughters who are all only in their twenties. So far they have all proven to be as formidable as their parents but now most of their weaponry is only affordable to the most wealthy of customers.
Parent Organization
Manufactured Items


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