The Grante family of Obu Organization in Sarazi | World Anvil
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The Grante family of Obu

The Grante Family are Fire Genasi armor smiths and create the most popular and revered armor in all of Obu. they are also part of the Families of Obu


The Grante Family were the leaders of a fire Genashi tribe many many years ago, but when the first settlers came to the deserts of Obu the head of the Grante family witnessed Kuara's divine intervention and in response, they began to worship her and the peoples whom she blessed. The Grante family left their tribe and began to serve these settlers, helping feed them and crafting strong armor for them. Eventually, when the time came, they even helped slaughter their old tribesmen with these settlers and settle the city of Obu in their place.
Parent Organization
Manufactured Items


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