The Hidden Blades Organization in Sarazi | World Anvil
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The Hidden Blades


The Hidden Blades, a shadowy organization loyal to DretKag, operates under a strict hierarchical structure. At the pinnacle of power stands the Shadowmaster, the enigmatic and feared leader who holds absolute authority. Below the Shadowmaster are the High Blades, the most skilled and experienced assassins who form the council and act as advisors to the leader. The lower ranks are comprised of Blades, the seasoned warriors and infiltrators, and Shadows, the initiates and trainees seeking to prove their worth.


The culture of The Hidden Blades revolves around stealth, precision, and absolute loyalty to DretKag. They believe that striking from the shadows and eliminating their targets swiftly and silently ensures the dominance of Naria under their tyrant ruler. They value discipline, secrecy, and the mastery of deadly arts such as assassination, espionage, and sabotage. The organization instills a sense of brotherhood among its members, fostering unwavering trust and camaraderie.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of The Hidden Blades is veiled in mystery and fear. They operate covertly, working behind the scenes to maintain DretKag's hold on power and eliminate any perceived threats to Naria. Their actions remain shrouded in secrecy, and their true objectives are known only to the highest echelons of the organization.


The Hidden Blades amass considerable wealth and resources through various means, including plundering and confiscation of valuable items during their covert missions. They possess hidden caches of silver and gold, as well as an impressive armory of specialized weapons and equipment tailored for stealth and assassination. Their headquarters, the Tower of Blades, serves as a bastion of power and secrecy, containing vast knowledge and resources that bolster their operations.


The Hidden Blades trace their roots back to the early days of DretKag's rise to power. As he solidified his control over Naria, he handpicked the most skilled and ruthless individuals to form this elite faction. Over the years, they honed their deadly skills, becoming the silent force behind DretKag's tyrannical rule. Their history is rife with tales of covert operations, political assassinations, and eliminating adversaries in the shadows.

Demography and Population

The Hidden Blades' ranks consist of skilled assassins, spies, and infiltrators from various races across Sarazi. While orcs and half-orcs remain the majority, the organization actively recruits skilled individuals from other races, such as elves, humans, drow, tieflings, and changelings.


While The Hidden Blades operate covertly across Sarazi, their main stronghold is in Tum Ventio, Naria's capital city. The Tower of Blades, hidden deep within the desert, serves as their fortified territory, providing a strategic location for their operations.

Foreign Relations

The Hidden Blades maintain no formal diplomatic relations, as their very existence is shrouded in secrecy. They operate solely for the interests of Naria and DretKag, and their actions are known only to a select few within the city's inner circles.


The Hidden Blades adhere to their own code of conduct, which revolves around unwavering loyalty to DretKag and absolute secrecy. Their laws, unwritten but understood, demand complete obedience to the Shadowmaster and the council of High Blades. Disloyalty, betrayal, or failure in carrying out missions results in severe consequences, often swift and deadly.


The infrastructure of The Hidden Blades is a web of hidden routes, secret passages, and concealed chambers within the Tower of Blades. They have access to a network of underground catacombs that extend beyond the city, allowing them to move undetected and strike with lethal precision. The organization also maintains communication hubs and safe houses throughout Naria, providing crucial support for their covert missions.
Training Level
Veterancy Level
The Tower of Blades - The towering fortress, serves as the headquarters of The Hidden Blades. Accessible only through hidden routes and concealed entrances, the tower contains training grounds, armories, and chambers for the Shadowmaster and the High Blades.


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