Tum Ventio, Capital of Naria Settlement in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Tum Ventio, Capital of Naria

Tum Ventio is the Capital of Naria, a bustling city with many people living within. This city provides the biggest tribute to DretKag and has a very positive relationship with him because of this.


Tum Ventio is a diverse and bustling city, teeming with inhabitants from various species and ethnicities. The majority of the population consists of orcs and half-orcs, the dominant races of Naria. However, due to Naria's central location in the eastern continent of Sarazi, the city has become a melting pot of cultures and races. It is not uncommon to encounter humans, dwarves, elves, and even exotic beings like yuan-ti and grung among the city's populace. The city's inhabitants are divided among different wealth classes, with the ruling elite residing in opulent mansions and the common folk dwelling in more modest homes or crowded districts. Tum Ventio is also home to a thriving community of artisans, traders, mercenaries, and crafters, each contributing to the city's dynamic tapestry of cultures.

Industry & Trade

Tum Ventio's bustling economy thrives on a variety of industries and trades. The city's skilled craftsmen produce exquisite works of metal, wood, and textiles, highly sought after throughout Sarazi. The extensive gemstone mines yield valuable crystals, gemstones, and precious metals, fueling a lucrative trade network that stretches far beyond Naria's borders. The city's shipyards construct formidable warships and merchant vessels, contributing to Naria's naval power and trading prowess. The city's strategic location in the middle of the eastern continent ensures a constant flow of caravans, traders, and merchants, making Tum Ventio a vibrant hub of commerce and cultural exchange.


The entrepreneurial spirits of Tum Ventio have led to the creation of a vibrant and sophisticated infrastructure. The city boasts an intricate network of watermills and windmills, harnessing the natural elements to power various industries. Sewers and well-maintained roads ensure a clean and efficient cityscape, while majestic bridges span over the city's lakes and rivers, connecting different districts. The blast furnaces in Tum Ventio produce high-quality metalworks, and the shipyards construct sturdy vessels for both trade and warfare. The city's architectural marvels include towering watchtowers that serve as both defense and observation points, providing an awe-inspiring sight to behold.


As the capital of Naria, Tum Ventio holds significant assets that contribute to its wealth and influence. The city's storerooms are filled with tributes destined for DretKag, showcasing the city's loyalty to its tyrant ruler. Additionally, Tum Ventio holds precious gemstone mines in the nearby mountains, providing the city with valuable resources for trade and ornamentation. The horde of DretKag also stores their vast wealth within the city's heavily guarded vaults, accumulated through the conquest and plunder of neighboring territories.

Guilds and Factions

Several influential guilds and factions hold sway in Tum Ventio, each playing a significant role in the city's politics and financial development. The Guild of Blacksmiths, renowned for their masterful weapons and armors, wields considerable power, as does the Merchant's Guild, controlling the city's trade routes and economic prosperity. The Hidden Blades, a secretive and feared group of assassins, operate discreetly within the city's shadows, serving DretKag's interests with ruthless efficiency. The Temple of the Earthmother, a religious faction devoted to an ancient earth deity, seeks to maintain balance and harmony within the city and its surrounding lands.


Tum Ventio's history is steeped in tales of conquest and expansion. Originally a small trading post on the crossroads of various trade routes, the settlement gradually grew in size and importance under the leadership of DretKag. He united the scattered tribes and villages of Naria, forging them into a formidable horde that now dominates the region. The city's architecture and infrastructure have evolved over the centuries, reflecting the ebb and flow of power and cultural influences.

Points of interest

Tum Ventio boasts several points of interest that draw visitors from across Sarazi. The Grand Bazaar, a sprawling marketplace, is a vibrant hub of trade, where merchants from far-flung lands gather to barter their wares. The Tower of Blades, the enigmatic headquarters of The Hidden Blades, is a place of whispers and intrigue, where deadly secrets are traded as currency. The Great Colosseum, an ancient arena built to entertain and instill fear, hosts gladiatorial battles that captivate both locals and tourists.


The architecture of Tum Ventio is a blend of orcish tribal influences and grand, imposing structures. The city's walls are constructed with strong, dark stones, adorned with intricate carvings depicting Naria's history and triumphs. The buildings feature robust wooden beams and strong walls, and their rooftops often display brightly colored banners and tribal symbols. The public buildings and temples boast tall, imposing spires reaching towards the heavens.


Tum Ventio is situated in a vast rocky desert, surrounded by mesas and sprawling plains. The city enjoys access to fresh water through a network of lakes and rivers, which are essential for sustaining its population and agricultural activities. The surrounding desert offers both challenges and opportunities, as the city's location allows for lucrative trade routes to connect to neighboring territories.


Tum Ventio experiences a dry and arid climate, with balmy temperatures and cool breezes for most of the year. The city occasionally faces sandstorms, but overall the climate remains relatively stable. The inhabitants have adapted to the climate, utilizing advanced irrigation systems to make the most of the available water resources.

Natural Resources

Tum Ventio benefits from various natural resources. The nearby gemstone mines yield valuable crystals and gemstones, while the surrounding rocky desert provides ample building materials such as stone and clay. The lakes and rivers support agricultural activities, allowing the city to grow crops and rear livestock. The vast expanse of the desert also hides other secrets, such as hidden oases and mysterious ruins waiting to be explored.
Large city

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