The Joining of Arnumia Military Conflict in Sarazi | World Anvil
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The Joining of Arnumia

Also Known as The War Of Arnumia.   The Surprise attack at Sistium: The With a resolute spirit and a deep desire to strike back hard and fast, Princess Inari Kuga led her forces southward. The initial clash occurred when the northern army attacked a well-fortified encampment of southern soldiers, deep within the heart of the southern kingdom just outside the city of Sistium. Under the cover of darkness, the northern forces launched a surprise assault. Their skilled archers unleashed a volley of arrows, piercing the still night air with deadly precision. The element of surprise gave them an advantage as they broke through the southern defenses. The clash of swords and the roar of battle cries echoed through the camp as the soldiers engaged in close combat. Princess Inari Kuga, clad in her royal armor, led her troops from the front lines. Her bravery inspired her soldiers, and they fought with unwavering determination. The northern warriors, renowned for their disciplined ranks and superior tactics, began to gain ground. King Hino Takao, a formidable leader, refused to yield easily. Rallying his troops, he devised a counterattack strategy to reclaim the encampment. With his skilled swordsman ship he pierced through the front lines, taking hit and arrows in stride without slowing for even a moment. Princess Inari Kuga, undeterred by the southern counterattack, exhibited unmatched strategic prowess. She orchestrated a brilliant maneuver, ordering her archers to target the enemy's backlines and clear the way for a flanking attack Seizing the opportunity, the northern infantry surged forward, engaging the disoriented southern soldiers in hand-to-hand combat. The southern lines wavered, and the northern kingdom pressed their advantage. Inch by inch, they gained control of the encampment, pushing the southern forces back. Witnessing the relentless onslaught, King Hino Takao realized that victory was slipping from his grasp. Reluctantly, he ordered a strategic retreat, pulling his remaining soldiers back to a stronghold further south. The first battle was won, but the war had only just begun.   An organized offensive vs a defense in disarray: Emboldened by their initial success, Princess Inari Kuga and her army pressed forward, embarking on a series of battles to secure their hold on the southern kingdom. Each clash tested the mettle of the soldiers on both sides. The northern forces, driven by the vision of unity, fought with a righteous fervor. The southern soldiers, loyal to their king, fiercely defended their homeland. Through sheer determination and tactical brilliance, Princess Inari Kuga's forces gradually gained the upper hand. One by one, key southern strongholds fell to the northern kingdom. The tides of war were quicky becoming a wave in favor of the northern kingdom, which was sweeping across the southern landscapes. It was now that the northern forces wrapped their attack around to Fanteia In order to try and end this war as fast as it had started. At the outskirts of Fanteia, he found himself confronted by a formidable enemy captain. Their eyes locked in a moment of fierce determination before the clash of their blades filled the air. Sword-to-sword, Hino Takao engaged in a deadly dance, his movements fluid and calculated. With each swing of his weapon, he countered his opponent's strikes with masterful precision. The enemy captain fought valiantly, matching Hino Takao blow for blow, but his resolve wavered under the relentless onslaught. Hino Takao's sword struck true, finding its mark on the enemy captain's armor, leaving a deep gash across his chest. With a final strike, Hino Takao defeated his opponent, sending him sprawling to the ground. The soldiers on both sides paused, momentarily awestruck by the skill and ferocity of the southern warrior.   The South loses its head: Despite Hino Takao's skillful mastery and overwhelming power, the sheer force of the Northern kingdom was crushing down on Hino Takao. As the in Fanteia raged on Hino Takao spotted Inari Kuga fighting in her vanguard. Immediately he advanced to her, cutting down anyone in his path as if he was swatting fly's. Finally reaching her he held nothing back. In their fierce duel, the clash of their blades resonated like a symphony of war. Hino Takao's strikes were swift and precise, his sword seeking vulnerabilities in Princess Inari Kuga's defense. He launched a flurry of attacks, aiming to break through her impenetrable guard. But Princess Inari Kuga, a paragon of agility and skill, met each strike with calculated precision, her sword deflecting and evading Hino Takao's onslaught. As the battle raged on, Hino Takao's frustration grew, his determination morphing into a desperate frenzy. He lunged forward, aiming for a swift thrust to Princess Inari Kuga's chest, but she sidestepped with a grace that belied her royal stature. In that moment, her sword swept upward in a graceful arc, landing a glancing blow across Hino Takao's arm. Pain coursed through his limb, but he gritted his teeth and pushed on, his resolve unyielding. Their blades clashed again and again, sparks igniting with each collision. Hino Takao unleashed a rapid series of strikes, hoping to catch Princess Inari Kuga off guard. But she expertly parried and dodged, her movements fluid and precise. With every missed blow, Hino Takao's frustration deepened, fueling his desperation to overcome the seemingly unbeatable princess. As the battle neared its climax, Princess Inari Kuga seized an opening, exploiting a momentary lapse in Hino Takao's focus. With a swift and decisive maneuver, she disarmed him, her sword striking Hino Takao's weapon with a resounding clash. The sound reverberated through the battlefield, a stark reminder of his vulnerability. Hino Takao stood before Princess Inari Kuga, his hand empty and his breathing ragged. The weight of defeat settled upon his shoulders, but his spirit remained unbroken. Their gazes met, a mixture of respect and sorrow exchanged between two warriors who had fought with unwavering determination. Princess Inari Kuga, understanding the depth of Hino Takao's commitment to his cause, raised her sword with a heavy heart. With a swift, clean stroke, she delivered the final blow, ending Hino Takao's valiant fight. The battlefield fell silent once more, the weight of loss and sacrifice enveloping the land. Hino Takao, a symbol of unwavering loyalty and unmatched strength, had fallen in the face of Princess Inari Kuga's strategic brilliance. His sacrifice would forever be remembered, his legacy entwined with the stories of courage and resilience. The princess took no time to continue her push, cutting down the southern soldiers weather they had surrendered or not.   Another side arises: In the midst of the war that had torn the land asunder, a new figure emerged, changing the course of events. Sano Koi, Hino Takao's had declared her claim to the throne. With the passing of her father the remainder of the Southern forces rallied behind her, along with her own followers she had amassed an army worth granting attention. Sano Koi, the daughter of the legendary Hino Takao, inherited her father's indomitable spirit and thirst for battle. The forces she rallied sought to challenge Princess Inari Kuga's forces and bring a different vision to the war-torn realm. The clash between Sano Koi and Princess Inari Kuga was inevitable. In the first battle they met, Sano Koi led her troops with an unwavering determination, her sword gleaming with the legacy of her father. Her forces, driven by a desire to avenge their fallen comrades, surged forward, overwhelming Princess Inari Kuga's forces with a fierce assault. Sano Koi's strategic brilliance and skilled combat maneuvers pushed back the northern forces. She exploited their weaknesses and orchestrated a devastating assault, forcing Princess Inari Kuga to retreat. The battlefield shook as Sano Koi's troops fought with unyielding ferocity, forcing the northern kingdom to regroup and reevaluate their tactics. For a brief moment, Sano Koi basked in the sweet taste of victory. She believed that she had found the key to defeating Princess Inari Kuga, and her ambition soared. But little did she know that her triumph would be short-lived.   Princess Inari's counterattack: Princess Inari Kuga, renowned for her resilience and adaptability, launched a series of devastating counterattacks. With her strategic brilliance and unwavering resolve, she swiftly turned the tides of battle against Sano Koi's forces. In each subsequent battle, Princess Inari Kuga demonstrated her mastery of tactics. She exploited Sano Koi's vulnerabilities and unleashed devastating maneuvers, pushing back the faction that had challenged her authority. The clash between their forces was marked by the thunderous clash of steel and the cries of the fallen. As the battles raged on, Sano Koi's loyal soldiers fought valiantly, unwilling to surrender or retreat. But their numbers dwindled with each confrontation, and the weight of loss became increasingly unbearable. The death toll rose, and the once-mighty faction that Sano Koi had rallied began to crumble under the relentless onslaught of Princess Inari Kuga's forces. In the final battle, Sano Koi found herself at the precipice of defeat. Surrounded by the remnants of her loyal soldiers, their spirits dampened by the continuous losses, she faced Princess Inari Kuga once again. The clash of their swords reverberated across the desolate battlefield. The once hopeful cries now replaced with the anguished screams of the fallen. Despite Sano Koi's unwavering resolve, she could not overcome the strategic genius and united forces of Princess Inari Kuga. Her soldiers, wearied and outnumbered, succumbed to the superior tactics and relentless assaults. The battle ended with Sano Koi witnessing the demise of her loyal soldiers, her heart heavy with grief and her vision shattered. Defeated and broken, Sano Koi stood before Princess Inari Kuga, spirit broken and heart shattered she turned her back and fled into the forest of Loruma pa. slowly and composed, Inari Kuga and her royal guard followed after her, determined to end this war, and this bloodline.

The Conflict


Tensions between Arnumia's both Northern and Southern kingdoms were at a breaking point after both leaderships had made aggressive moves that the other half of the kingdom disagreed with. the southern kingdom continued to push towards a single leader to unite Arnumia. However, before this could happen the northern ruler was poisoned in his own home. With this move, presumably done by the southern king, Hino Takao the northern kingdom of Arnumia railed behind the late northern king's daughter, Inari Kuga and marched to war.


Arnumia was no longer ruled by two leaders and is now ruled by a Queen and her council.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
Inari Kuga killed all opposition and became the sole ruler of Arnumia


Queen Inari Kuga and her fathers royal military

Led by


~40,000 Trained Soldiers


9,000~ Military Troops and all of Inari Kuga's personal Royal Guard.


To kill Hino Takao and claim rule to all of Arnumia, Linking it as one.
Hino Takao and his warriors.

Led by


~20,00 warriors.


15,000 warriors died and the rest flocked to Sano Koi to aid her advance.


Fight back Inari Kuga's forces and take control of the rest of Arnumia.
Princess Sano Koi and her Loyal Followers

Led by


10,000 Loyal Followers.


All followers were wiped out, Sano Koi was last seen fleeing into the forests of Lorum Pa.


Take over rule from her estranged Father Hino Takao and unite Arnumia under two just rulers once again.


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