Inari Kuga Character in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Inari Kuga

Savior of Arnumia , Queen of its People, the Loving, Merciful. and Kind Inari Kuga

Inari Kuga Is the current ruler and Queen of Arnumia. Inari was born into royalty but only recently came to full power after her victory during The Joining of Arnumia

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Inari is very fast and athletic, she was trained to use a katana as a child by her father and his military commanders and is now very skillful when wielding them.

Identifying Characteristics

She has two grey dots under her left eye

Apparel & Accessories

Inari wears a traditional dress outfitted with pristine metal inlays and fibers. She also wears two arms guards and a black steel torso guard.

Specialized Equipment

Inari wields three long katanas, which are each fabled to possess great power.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Inari Kuga was born in the city of Bura and spent much of her young life being raised there. When she became a teenager however her father thought it best for her to go out and experience more of the world and see the people she would rule over in their daily life. This led her to begin school outside of her home and caused her to develop relationships with many of the other students she met. One of these students was named Sano Koi and the two grew to become very close friends over the course of a few years, Inari even took Sano to her castle on certain occasions and introduced her to all of her family and advisors. When Inari was 17 the unrest between the two kings of Arnumia grew more and more, her father and his co-ruler grew further apart and whispers of a coming war between the two began to surface. However, Inari's father stood firm that a war should not take place, and if necessary, he would even step down as king to keep Arnumia in peace. Inari was very vocal that he should crush the other king and take full control of Arnumia but her father refused and punished Inari for the thought. Despite this, one day during dinner, his wine was poisoned, causing him to choke to death on his own blood, although no one was ever caught Inari claimed it was the enemy who poisoned him. Outraged the people rallied behind her and so The War of Arnumia began.


Inari is said to be a very lustful queen and is rumored to have a variety of men and women at her disposal.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Inari united Arnumia under her as the sole ruler and became the first Queen Arnumia had ever seen.

Personality Characteristics


Inari desires complete control and has strived to be the ruler of all of Arnumia, and now that she has completed this she seems to want even more power.

Virtues & Personality perks

She is very personable and friendly to all, she seems to always be there to help and provide support to her allies whenever they need her help.


Hobbies & Pets

Inari is also one for the exotics and owns a multitude of pets such as; Owlbear cublets, Tiger Lilies , Drakes, Koibras, and Dinosaur Cats.

Wealth & Financial state

Being Queen of Arnumia Inari is very well financed and has scores of wealth.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Queen of Arnumia, Provider of Peace, Lady of the Blades, and Savior of the West.
Current Residence
Long sleek Black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 7"
Quotes & Catchphrases
"There is no we, there is only me"
  • Said to Sano Koi before declaring her as an enemy to the realm.
  • Aligned Organization
    Known Languages
    Common, Elvish, Orc
    Ruled Locations


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