Sano Koi Character in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Sano Koi

Sano Koi (a.k.a. The Fabled Princess)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sano was master of the blade, every strike she made hit its mark and nothing could slow down her blade, she was considered one of the greatest swordsmen of all time.

Facial Features

She was Considered to be very beautiful, which led her to fight in a mask to intimidate her opponents.

Apparel & Accessories

She never wore much armor, mainly just upper arm guards and the standard beauty dress and corset.

Specialized Equipment

She wielded Sano's Phantom Katana and was extermly proficent with it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sano Koi was born in Arnumia just before The Joining of Arnumia. She was the firstborn daughter to King Hino Takao and was projected to be next in line for the throne. However King Hino Takao wanted his firstborn to be a male who he thought would better lead the people of Arnumia. Because of this, he disowned Sano when she was only a child and threw her out of his home and into the streets. She was found by a young couple walking through the streets and was raised by them for the rest of her young life. The family lived on the opposite side of Arnumia which was under the rule of another King. Her new family was warm and caring but she never told them who she really was. When Sano was fourteen she began sword training with her older brother and younger sister. She quickly proved to be quite formidable and for the next 7 years, she would spend most of her free days and nights practicing her blade skills. During this time there was more and more talk of unrest in the kingdom between the two rulers. With her time living in this part of Arnumia she had gradually become friends with the heir to the other throne Inari Kuga However Sano never revealed her true identity during their encounters. Thinking that her relationship with Inari would strengthen the bond between the two sides of the kingdom, Sano went back to King Hino Takao's part of Arnumia to try and amass a following of her own and together her and Inari Kuga could overthrow Sano's father and user in a new age of prosperity between the two leaders and throughout all of Arnumia.  

The Start of the End

  When Sano returned to where her father ruled, The city of Sistium, she revealed to all that she was the princess and proclaimed herself one. Hundreds flocked to join her on her conquest to take back the throne from her father and more came daily to help her. However on the other side Inari disapproved of her decision and protested that there is to be one ruler of Arnumia not two, and now that she has revealed to all that she is next in line, she would be seen as an enemy, and be killed. Outraged Sano gathered all of her followers together and told them about the coming battle and how they would have to fight for the rule of Arnumia alone. Soon after this The War of Arnumia took place.  

Sano's Final Stand

After the The War of Arnumia had concluded, alone, with no one, walking through the woods of Lorum Pa Sano saw Inari Kuga one last time, looking down on Sano with her personal guard, the best in this land. all at once they charged her, the first four went down without Sano breaking a sweat, they were sloppy and ran fast. Sano stabbed one then the other in one fluid sweep, then she was behind the other two, in what seemed like a blink of an eye, and cut them down. With a quick sideways flick of her blade, their heads rolled across the damp forest floor, for it had started to rain. Next, even more, came, ten or twelve it seemed, tightening her stance and her grip on her blade she readied for them, cutting down the first with an upward slash of her blade and killing the second with a downwards stab. The others were on her now, but she was gone again in the blink of an eye, cutting down three more from behind and killing a fourth by unsheathing his secondary blade and stabbing it through his head. The last of them played it safe, they moved towards her fast, but methodically, and were on each other backs the whole time. This was the safest approach, but not the strongest, seeing the weakness in their movement and formation she dived in on them, easily dispatching the ones in front before the ones watching their back could even fully turn around. When they did turn around to their horror they saw their comrades cut and killed and before they could react they joined them. "Are these truly the best warriors you have to offer?" shouted Sano, The new Queen Inari looked at her and said "Some of them, yes, but now the rest know how you fight" Charging at Sano were 20 of Inari's battle-hardened personal guard. Sano gritted her teeth and bore down, one after another they charged at her blades stuck, and blood was let, but none of it was Sano's. She continued her fight killing one after one, running, dodging, parrying, and stabbing when the opening was right. Inari saw that she wasn't letting up and seemed to be fighting with the same intensity she started with. Sano was closer to Inari now and saw an opening, she dashed at her with her sword drawn but before she could pierce her skin Inari was gone and a splitting pain shot down her back, then another, then another. Sano was gone before another arrow could connect, three had littered her back and started a slow leak of blood. With another blink of an eye, she was behind the archer and cut them into two. Now the rest of Inari's forces were on her, striking fast and without mercy, she was killing one after another even in her wounded state. The next blow she struck lobed off another guard's head, but at the same time caused her to cough up an immense amount of blood. looking down she saw Inari's blade through her torso, immediately she jolted to the left ripping the blade from Inari's hand, before Sano could strike back she was gone and more of her guards we on her, fighting back she parried the next strike and in retaliation killed the guard who threw it. One after one the guards came and one after one they fell. But Sano was slowing down tremendously, the next strike flew through her back and out her torso, the next strike did the same, gasping for air she tightened her grip on her katana one last time and killed them, in a rage, she cut them down, guard after guard, mindlessly killing them one after another. Again she felt a blade pierce her back, turning around she saw the face of Inari who then ripped Sano's blade from her hands and shoved it into her chest. Sano fell to her knees and felt her life slowly drain from her. But with the last of her strength she jolted back up, ripped out a small light post from the ground next to her and broke it against Inari's head, before falling to the ground dead. surrounded by the bodies of every single one of Inari's personal guard.


Sano was never married but had a daughter when she was 17

Mental Trauma

When Sano was a teenager most of the girls her age thought her obsession with swordplay was ugly and brutish. She was constantly teased and made fun of by everyone at school and called countless names. Mentally she struggled every day but could always rely on her training when she needed to smile again. When she was 16 she and her little sister were walking back home from the market when two people jumped them and tried to seal everything they had. Sano's little sister was scared and started screaming and running off and in all the confusion was stabbed through the back by the bandit to keep her quiet, immediately they grabbed Sano's things and ran off. Sano held her sister in her arms as she slowly faded from life, choking on her own blood. Putting her hand on Sano's face she told her to "keep strong and never let the bad guy win", the exact words Sano would always tell her when she was younger. When Sano returned to school the other kids used her sister's death as more fuel to torment Sano, telling her that even with all her swordplay she couldn't even save her sister. Telling her she is just like her sister, weak. Eventually, Sano couldn't take it anymore and let loose on one of the girls, beating her to a pulp before her boyfriend and his friends finally pulled Sano off of her. Enraged he pulled Sano away, but before they could get their revenge one of her only friends, Brandt, stepped in and took the beating while she got away. After they left him bleeding on the ground she took him back to her home and helped him recover. Soon her caring nature turned to attraction and they feel for each other, however after the next time they returned to school the other people couldnt stand their joy towards each other, and swore to take it away from her. After school one day Brandt was jumped, and what was supposed to be a bad beating went further than anticipated and ended up killing him. Sano never returned to school after this and lived out the rest of her teenage years and the start of her twenties at home, training her sword every day and raising her unexpected child who would never have a father.


Family Ties

Her father Hino Takao was the old king of Arnumia.


Hino Takao


Towards Sano Koi


Sano Koi


Towards Hino Takao


Current Status
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Place of Death
Lorum Pa
Bright Purple
Long, sleek Lavander purple.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 5"
Quotes & Catchphrases
"keep strong and never let the bad guy win"
  • Said to her younger sister on multiple occasions. 
  • "Now let me tell you, child, of a war that is about to come, since time unremembered there has been two, one dark and unforgiving, the other pure and filled with light, At the dawn of all, I stand alone, looking out at what would be the last battlefield, for the war is coming and I am a princess. Once a common lady of the dark army but denied my right to be called princess by birth I betrayed my kind and now I have chosen my side, that which I believe is best for all. Our land Is split in two, brother against brother, friend against friend, my parents will fight as well, for who I do not know. my followers, though few in number, shall help see me through until I am finally accepted as a princess by all. I cannot rest for I know that even now the enemy is training for battle, also preparing, for war."
  • Said to her daughter before the start of The Joining of Arnumia.
  • Known Languages
    Common, Elvish


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