Arnumia Organization in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Arnumia is lush countryside with many cities and a large forest in its heart. It is inhabited by mainly Humans and Half-Elves, but, it is widely considered to be one of the most diverse countries in the eastern continent. Currently Arnumia is ruled by The Queen Inari Kuga and her royal council. Her father was king before her but she took full power over Arnumia after The Joining of Arnumia. Now Arnumia is one of the most liked countries throughout the eastern continent and even has royal ambassadors in most of their capitals.   

Border Relations

  Arnumia shares a border with the countries of Naria, Ozinland and Obu. In the past Naria and Arnumia were constantly at each other throats, multiple raiding parties would attack the eastern villages of Arnumia often, leading to the construction of the strong wall by Arnumia across all of its eastern border. However when DretKag united Naria under him he promised Inari Kuga that the attacks would stop, and so far he has been true to his word. Arnumia and Ozinland have an extremely healthy trade relationship and have very high respect for one another, The Ozin Assembly even allows an Arnumian ambassador to take residence in their capital city of RuaHardt. Obu and Arnumia also share a thriving trade relationship, Arnumia is one of the few allies of Obu and an Arnumian ambassador lives in Obu City.  


The Capital of Arnumia is the flourishing royal city of Bura.


Arnumia has known two rulers for its entire life. When Arnumia was first founded many generations ago two brothers ruled over the land equally and when their time came to pass they each passed down rule to their firstborn thus creating the duel rule of Arnumia. Over time this way of life slowly worsened, with each generation wanting less and less to do with the other ruler. Eventually, it became unsustainable and The War of Arnumia broke out, leaving scores of people dead, farms and villages leveled, and even more, people wounded and without a home. This gave rise to the new Queen of Arnumia Inari Kuga ever since the war ended and the new Queen has been in command Arnumia has thrived like never before.
Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members




Non-Aggression Pact



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