The Rathjen Purge Military Conflict in Sarazi | World Anvil
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The Rathjen Purge

The Rathjen Purge started when the lizardfolk warriors of Rathjen started attacking small fishing villages in Laolisa for food and supplies. Soon after these small attacks King Esho and his Royal Guard  ventured out to the sea border of Laolisa to set up an ambush for the Rathjen raiding parties. The next time the Rathjen attacked the king and his highly skilled warriors fought them back and killed all but one of them. The fight was fast and decisive, with the Rathjen being caught off-guard and with the massive skill difference between the two the Royal Guard cut them down like nothing. The one survivor was brought to King Esho and was forced to reveal to him where the Rathjen lived, after spilling the whereabouts of the Rathjen settlement and pleading for his life the king cut out his tongue and left him to bleed to death while he and the Royal Guard set out for the small collection of boats he was told the Rathjen were living on. After arriving Esho and his royal guard found that the Rathjen lived on an encampment built with three boats and that the warriors they killed in Laolisa were the bulk of the Rathjen military force. Swiftly the king and his men dispatched all that lived there and sunk the encampment to the ground, the king has one rule when it comes to combat and that is to end the bloodline, that way there will be no retaliation, ever. After the battle had concluded the king had done just that and the Rathjen were never an issue again.

The Conflict


The Laolian fishing villiages were at peace once again.
Conflict Type
Conflict Result
The Rathjen were wiped out


King Esho and his Royal Guard

Led by



Military Training and experience


Completely wiped out.


Destroy the Rathjen lizardfolk
Obtain food and other supplies necessary to survival


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