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With borders butting up against the Zunthr, the Hunduri (formerly known as the Hundri) lived tense lives, waiting for the day that the Zunthr decided to invade from the south. The Hundri and the Zunthr were originally a single tribe, however upon the death of the previous leader, divisive opinions about how the tribe should be led came to a head in a short but brutal fight between the dividing factions. What remained was what eventually became the northern tribe of Hundri and southern tribe of Zunthr.   The Hundri were a moderately sized tribe of roughly 54 combat-ready individuals. The tribe was born from the split as the more peaceful and shamanistic of the two sides. They believed in coexistence with the other tribes, and that doing so is the only way to survive the Mire. To that end, they had a positive and active relationships with the Collga, Derashi, and Kollin.   The western forest was home to the only trees in the Basin that were known to be capable of being shaped into the body of mighty bows, however it was a holy, protected forest, and as such taking materials from the forest was only allowed with special permission from the leading shamans of the tribe.   Bows were blessed by the shamans, and when combined with horn taken from the fearsome beasts found in the Rim, become the stuff of legend. It was rumored that a blessed Hundri horn-bow would never miss, though this is likely just a myth.   In the time of the First Radiants, the Hundri leader Trinn was quietly negotiating a reunion with the Zunthr tribe. On discovery that the Derashi were mobilizing, Trinn and Olen, the leader of the Zunthr, officially confirmed their alliance and sought audiences with the Kollin and Collga tribes, eventually convincing them to become a part of the union and meet at the Peak for another Gathering to discuss what to do about the Derashi.   The Hundri partook in the Battle of the Peak, acting primarily as healers but also putting forth blessed bowman to aid the fight. In accordance with their agreement with the Zunthr, they were a part of the founding of Luthal.   Several older tribespeople returned to their homes near the forest. This small community would become a retreat for those seeking spiritual assistance and later became a part of the Arcaniam after its founding in 252. With this incorporation into the Arcaniam, the secret of bow-making was made more widely available and became a staple weapon for those in the militia, hunters, and many others. Many healers and spiritualists claim to be of Hundri heritage.

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