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Lirik is one of the dual-aspected gods kept within a God Shard and is an aspect of Law and Theft. Initially he was paranoid and unstable. His shard is chipped and is a dusky grey color. Despite the abuses put upon him by Garth on his discovery, he has formed a tight bond with him, though whether that was by choice or circumstance is unclear. He is brother to Sov, Elwin, Dromast, Orbin, and Canis.   Prior to his rediscovery, Lirik was trapped within a nightmare of his own making, forced to witness a repeating catastrophe that obliterated humanity in a rain of fire and death and forced to consider that efforts to avoid it were futile. When the Radiants found him, he fled after attempting to kill them, later being subdued violently by Garth. He remained silent after the Radiants restored the Shard to its place within the Peak, but is thought to have obtained a more even temperament in time spent reunited with his siblings.   During the Battle of the Peak, Lirik protected Garth and unwound the block placed upon him by the Shard of the Father, allowing him to regain the ability to use Radiance. Garth would later claim this was out of respect for his prowess, though Lirik by that time had sequestered himself within The Peak so none were able to dispute this claim. Because of this, in myths surrounding the First Radiants, Lirik is often associated with Garth.   Shortly after the death of Thog several decades later, the still growing settlement of Luthal was briefly thrown into chaos as the question of who next assumed the post of leadership was thrown into question. It was only thanks to the timely intervention of Lirik's living aspect who descended from the Peak that bloodshed was avoided and a new leader was appointed, along with proper processes for future successions. For this reason, Lirik is often seen as a guiding force of law and order, with his name invoked in trials and dispensation of justice. Some from the Zunthiri splinter tribe will quietly invoke his name for the sake of stealth and skullduggery for which they would be called out as heretics.   Lirik is commonly represented with symbols of an upright spearhead, some also use more obscure symbols of falling comets or a blunted, inverted spearhead, in reference to the times he was trapped within his own Shard. Knowledge of this particular event is scarce, but some among the Zunthiri splinter tribe who know of Garth's story hold to this symbol instead.   Unlike most of the child gods, due to his (almost) direct intervention in events, his existence is practically confirmed to the general populace.

The Gods:

  • Sov
  • Elwin 
  • Dromast
  • Canis 
  • Orbin 
  • Lirik 
  • Children

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