Ancilla Decades

Vikingur is Emma's Aspiration driven destructive sandbox. What she wants and what she does drives the plotline forward, provided it lowers her humanity. Like taking down the Hanseatic League through piracy.

Stofnandi is Emma's Aspiration driven constructive sandbox. What she does and wants to creates as a legacy determines how the story moves. Building a shipping company is a good example.

Each story moves forward slowly, and should switch in dominance with Emma's mood and aspirations or march abreast of each other. Emma begins this story monstrous and terrifying but in recognition of that fact. She recognizes that she needs something to cling to and has to build her own liferaft to weather this storm. But she also wants payback for all the things taken from her. Emphasize the theft of her mortality with each touchstone she builds up. Make her find her way out of the darkest part of her Requiem, or embrace it and become something like the Unholy.

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